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Posts posted by ManagingPrime

  1. We are probably not to vastly different in WL.

    Without gear im 155-160

    In my personal opinon (and based on my limited understanding of the conventional wisdom regarding WL) I don't think the wingloading is excessive, but in my personal experience the downsize from 220 to 200 took some getting used to, nerves increased, etc. and while the transition to a 190 sport from the 200 student was not as tough as the 220 to 200 transition it took a little getting used to as it to was different (I do love sport canopies :D )...the ground rush still gets a little spooky at times.

    I think my transition from 220 to 200 was around 25-30 jumps and 200 to 190 sport at around 55/56.

    Again, it's my personal opinion and at 30 jumps I wanted to jump into a 190 sport and I don't think anyone would have stoped me, but I'm comfortable with my transition pace. The 240 student to 190 sport at 30 jumps did catch my just seems like a lot to take in at that point. But, as previously noted it should be left to instructors to make that determination....and If I read the post right, that 190 sport has not been landed yet.:S

    Edit: To add emphasis

  2. Quote

    At 68 jumps, I'd say you qualify to give downsizing advice.

    Well...what can I say...I'm just cool like that. :P

    Seriously, I was not trying to give advice, nor do I see how my comment was construed as such. I asked the question to clarify as I'm also new, as you so graciously pointed out, and my downsize took longer than 30 jumps and it was from 220 to 200 to 190. In no wind my butt still puckers on the 190. I've never heard of that kind of downsize for students.[:/]

  3. Quote


    So.....Sky Knights SPC has a bunch of "Go Idiots"....good to know.

    Especially good to know that it was directed at a youngster.

    But really I need to realize that people are gonna do it on occasion whether I like it or not, and I don't feel I have any authority to bitch them out over it..

    No authority or bitching about it needed. Do what you need to do to make sure you are safe and throw them the old "duces" if they have a problem with it. It's your safety.

    If someone feels in all their experience they don't need to properly check the spot...good for them. As time progresses you will get faster. Keep staying safe.

  4. :)2:5::D

    SDAZ Halloween Carnival was awesome!

    Winds got bad on Sat. so I grounded myself after a hard landing on jump number 2.

    Sunday was awesome so I jumped my face off considering the late start.B|

    Ran into the Skydive PA crew. They were great and I was happy to see them out, but I did not get a chance to jump with them.[:/]

    1st 60 min of freefall
    1st Jump from DC3
    1st Hybrid
    1st "way" bigger than 5.

    Beer was free on Sunday so I got off easy. :D

    I wish every weekend could be so great!

  5. 63;)

    There are some great organizers around this weekend. They know where I'm at and are keeping it fun for me and the other low time jumpers. I was kind of surprised that we tried a 10 way today.

    What makes it more dangerous?

  6. Please clarify for a noob.

    A speed star (after watching the videos) is what I understand to be "a round", with the exception that the exit is not docked? Me likey.... What does "no show" mean?

    Just missed a DC 3 load doing a speedstar and I was curious what it was and I really wanted to give it a go, but the winds have me grounded.[:/]

  7. Quote



    ski thank you for keeping us all safe here at home, thank you for serving your country. most of all thank you for coming home in one piece!!!! Blue Skies!!

    Ditto, And now go make up for lost time with that petite little woman that posted this thread!;)

    GROSSS he is my BROTHER!


  8. Quote

    skydivers don't have as much therefore it takes higher levels of sensory input to achieve equal levels of excitement and adrenalin rush

    That's interesting.

    However, as I understand dopamine if you keep getting a fix it takes more and more for the same high. It would seem this applies to all skydivers not just those with low MAO levels.

    High levels of Dopamine can also cause subjects to act "easily excited and sensitive to sensory input".

    There is a lot to be learned about the human brain and I'm about as expert on that as I am skydiving, but I know one thing for sure.... A psychiatrist studying neurochemistry would have a field day at most DZ's.;)

    I think all skydivers are Freaks in their own way.

    EDIT: Spelling and final thought[:/]

  9. Did you get tunnel coaching on your HD? I've tried the transition (without coaching) about 10 times now and it's much tougher than the transition to sit (without a coach as well). I've given up on HD until I progress to that point in the tunnel, it just seems to dangerous.[:/]

    It's awesome that you had a tunnel available before you got your A. I've seen some kids doing tunnel before their AFF, I don't think they know how lucky they are.

  10. Quote

    I didn't get pied for my 100th... but others at the DZ do.

    Maybe its just cause I kept my mouth shut! :D

    Smart guy.

    As far as I'm concerned when anyone asks what my jumper number is it's between 25 and 75. Pie in the face just sucks. Until the tradition changes to something more pleasurable I'm doing everything I can to avoid people knowing about any 00's or 000's.