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Posts posted by twnsnd

  1. DUDE....All your pics have unattractive people with bad accents....Get some new material.;)

    Pic 2 - I see you're all about swoopin the bitches.

    Lastly, why do you insist on using the size of your junk to name your pictures?


    -We are the Swoophaters. We have travelled back in time to hate on your swoops.-

  2. Calling a crash a "wingover" - HANSEN'ing

    Leaving a permanent imprint of your face on the edge of Mile Hi's pond - BILLINGS'ing

    Using complicated words to describe canopy flight while being way too nice and smiling ALL THE TIME! - GERMAIN'ing

    Finding yourself in line twists at an EXTREMELY low altitude - JEFFRO'ing


    -We are the Swoophaters. We have travelled back in time to hate on your swoops.-

  3. I will apologize in advance to those with no sense of humor. Feel free to add your own.

    Executing a beautiful swoop only to wreck yourself when you put your feet down - DRENNAN'ing

    Swooping angry - JUDY'ing

    Swooping with a bad haircut - MOLEDSKI'ing

    Swooping while feeling under-appreciated - FROST'ing

    Swooping in a midget costume - BAATCH'ing

    Swooping while HUGE - LUND'ing

    Catching a tree with your endcell and getting body slammed - STU'ing

    Swooping while bald - HARTSWIG'ing

    Swooping while badly needing a haircut and shave - SPIZZZARKO'ing

    Swooping between used car sales - THORNTON'ing

    Swooping when not busy with other "hippie oriented" events - SKYMONKEY'ing

    I could go on for days.

    -We are the Swoophaters. We have travelled back in time to hate on your swoops.-

  4. This is a tough one to answer. You are going to have to try different sizes and see if any of it fixes your problem. I would probably hold on to the 30" for hop n pops, and go to a 26" for terminal jumps. But you will have to find out for yourself what works for you. Ask around and see how your pack job on the velo compares to others who get good openings. It could also be that you have that odd velo that just has personality issues. Later.

    -We are the Swoophaters. We have travelled back in time to hate on your swoops.-

  5. Dude, sometimes the best way to stay safe is to realize that some things are unachievable. This statement I only apply to myself of course. I just feel like there are people out there who seem to think that pro swoopers do just as few jumps as they do and any day now, thier skillset will catch up. We just have to step back and make a realistic assessment of our abilities and potential. None of this is worth getting hurt or dying for.:)

    -We are the Swoophaters. We have travelled back in time to hate on your swoops.-

  6. Look. There is alot more to this than you seem to think. As said before, all the original swoopers, and all swoopers up to the very recent advent of this digital alti, learned how to swoop, and swoop well, with an analog altimeter.
    You may know exactly what altitude you need to initiate a given turn, exactly where above the earth you need to initiate that turn, have an instrument that tells you EXACTLY what altitude you are at, and still not swoop well. All the digital alti does is tell you where to start on the x axis. You must also consider turn rate, dive rate, and wind drift during the dive. The alti will not magically get you where you need to be on each leg of your setup either. You must visually determine your position above the earth and the progress you are making. Only your eyes can tell you what altitude you are at when you swing around on that last 90 degrees. You only have your eyes to tell you if you are drifting toward or away from your entry point so that you can adjust turn rate to compensate. It is not nearly as easy as getting to your desired altitude, holding down a riser for a couple of seconds, letting go, planing out, and you rock.
    This miracle of modern science on your wrist is not going to make you a good swooper. Repetition, coaching, and practice in combination with ultra currency makes great swoopers. Don't try to compare yourself against a factory pilot or competition swooper if you can only make a couple hundred jumps a year.
    The digital alti is a nice innovation that makes it easier to determine altitude, and that is all.

    -We are the Swoophaters. We have travelled back in time to hate on your swoops.-

  7. While your level of "being impressed is noted,you should also note that none of these guys claim to do it "well".;) And not everything posted here is a good example. Take it all with a grain of salt, get some coaching, and you'll live long in this sport.

    -We are the Swoophaters. We have travelled back in time to hate on your swoops.-