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  1. No, but the (so called)Murphy Beech 18 could have been the same AC. Lenny Potts once told me that Murphy never completely paid him for the plane, so I guess it was still Lenny's. After M. Schultz wrecked it, I don't know if it was repaired or not - but it could have been, and re-sold. Can't help you here. After I quit jumping in '73, I never went back to Ridgely 'till about ten years ago in my 182. There's a bunch of us Pelicans who settled in the Annapolis(Edgewater) area: Wayne Beall, Tinker Shoemaker, Billy Gifford, John Neate, me, and Bob Holler lived here too before he died in '98. Freddy Graff lives in Acokeek. One of the original Pelicans, John Kaleo died last year at 71. He lived in Davidsonville. Mike Schultz lives in Crofton, and Johnny and Sandy Crews live right up route 97 near Lithicum. Kevin Burke lives near Baltimore. We still get together quite often, and tell lies.
  2. The two Pelican 182's in the '60's were 02X and 62X. 02X was sold to Bob Horne in early '70, and crashed in NC after lift off because of contaminated fuel. Bob was flying with a full load of jumpers, but no one was killed. And 62X burned up at Pelicanland in 1970, shortly after it was repainted. I never heard of a 82X, and I joined the Pelicans in '67. I joined the the Army in '68. After serving with the USAPT in '69-70, went to RVN. Upon return, Mike Schultz and Wayne Beall had bought the operation from Bill Fravel, and the operation was flying a 180, 182 and Bob Murphy's twin Beech, which Mike crashed in '72. I quit jumping for good in '73.