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  1. I've had a couple of incidences with this too... it only seems to happen when I visit where as soon as I enter the site it pops up asking if I want to use Windows online scanner and seems to connect to that site even though I the first time I clicked cancel and the second I tried to close the box. I have simply disconnected and shut all internet windows each time. I'm hoping it's a problem with the WAYN site rather than my laptop (maybe a bit of head in the sand attitude) but AVG is not detecting anything and I don't seem to be having any other problems.
  2. Thanks. Yeah I have been looking at the AFF course... just trying to decide whether to do it abroad in nicer weather, or here in the UK where it is still grey and drizzly... Abroad I would have more of a fixed time limit due to work constraints, however it would be alot more pleasant to do it in the sun. Here in the UK I could take more time but I probably wouldn't get such nice weather. Decisions decisions...
  3. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums but having had a taste of skydiving in Cuba very recently thought I'd join this forum. My username springs from the fact that when I landed after my first tandem all I could say was again again! 5 days later I did my second tandem... what a rush! I would've done 3 but sadly my flight home got in the way. Now I just want more!