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  1. Kool-aid drinker, huh? I get my news from CBS, ABC, NBS, CNN, Time, Newsweek, US News and World Report...and, on occasion, even "Fixed" news. How's that for "Fair and balanced?" A few books I could recommend to my Fox and Friends kool-aid drinkers..."Fiasco" by Pulitzer-prize writer Thomas E. Ricks, "Life in the Emerald City" by Rajiv Chandrasekaran and Cobra 11 (two) by Michael R. Gordon and Gen. Bernard E. Trainor... authors respected by both the left and the right. You can thank me later..Enjoy! PS: And, byt the way, are you disputing that what I wrote in my last post as not factual?
  2. "More blatantly than anyone?" Pleeeaaase....At least, the money is going to an American. I mean, c'mon...Have you forgotten the planeloads of palleted, cold, hard cash "perhaps billions of American taxpayer money" that just disappear somewhere between here and the Baghdad airport...American tax-dollar money used perhaps, to finance terrorist acts against OUR troops. Oh yea, but "Fixed news" tends to leave those FACTS out. Come to think of it, the "Fear" or "Faux" channel leaves lots of facts out of their reporting. And, that's a fact, Jack. Or, regarding no bid contracts, how about no-bid hiring? Have you forgotten how the republicans hired not the best qualified administrators to mismanage their no-bid contracts, but rather, college students with no job experience from that highly esteemed, world renowned institute of high learning, Bob Jones University, who's only qualifications it seemed, were that they were pro-life and that they voted for Republican. Give me a break, brother..."More blatantly than anyone..."