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Posts posted by moodyskydiver

  1. Quote

    whatcha got on the list?

    see sig line.:ph34r:>:(

    and yes theres room enough for the both of you plus a camera flyer.:D

    damn I'm so sex deprived I'm perverting my own threads!:S

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  2. Quote

    Can I just take this moment to say that I'm so pissed that I have missed LP for the past 6 years?

    Well this is my :D year for LP.:)

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  3. Quote

    I have arrived == I just came.

    Something you want to tell us?

    ROFLMAO! no I havent "come" yet.I'll have to wait until LP unless we hit a "toy store" before then.(I did pack the condoms though!)But I did have a really dream about a friend (male) of mine and someone told him and now he blushes red just seeing me! hehehehehe!>:(

    Yes Sunny I'll take lots of pictures.I have both digi cams packed.:)

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  4. L.A. to visit Nightingale and to start our journey to LP.Some quotable quotes from last night's mischief are:

    "I know exactly where he left his sleeping bag"

    "Well now I think I know what a tiny shrimp penis looks like"


    "chocolate covered orgasm"


    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  5. Quote

    I know you turtle love at LP this year....who else am I going to get into trouble with?

    well me ofcourse!:P

    hey, there are boobie inspector badges,but wheres my dick inspector badge?:D:ph34r:

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  6. youre welcome for the other thread.heres one of me at the range hows that? no bikini'd probably vomit! plus hot brass on the boobies/down the bra is painful!I carry a Springfield 1911 GI .45 Champion w/Pachmayr grips(...soon to have a tritium sight system) all in a Bianchi IWB concealed carry holster.B|

    Oh and I alternate TMJ hollow points with soft lead hollow first "defense shot" is usually a 9mm softlead hollowpoint that is sabot into a .45 brass.:)

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  7. Quote

    To everyone else reading this thread with quivering anticipation --- MY countdown clock is 3 sleeps. Your mileage may vary.

    See you ALL there when I see you ALL there.

    Only 3 sleeps for me too!not til I get to LP ofcourse but I leave Tuesday morning to fly to Cali to meet up with Nightingale and get into trouble with her for a few days before we head out to LP.We'll be leaving for LP on Friday.

    No liquor store for 40miles! what a travesty! we'll just have to raid the store before we get to the dz I guess.:D

    thanks for the hugs!Its mucho appreciated.:)

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  8. He refuses to go to the ER.It took us 2 MONTHS to get him to go to the doctor today and that only after we threatened to divorce him and disown him.He doesnt take care of himself.Hell he takes better care of the horses than himself! We've begged,cried,screamed,threatened and begged more and he just wont go.I've even though about putting him to the car at gunpoint but I just cant bring myself to do it and he knows it.His CT scan is set up for next week and barring a miracle thats when hes going.Hes a stubborn ass!!!I love him so much I hate him right now!All we do is cry and worry about him and he just says "aw itll be alright."We know its serious,the doc knows its serious but HE REFUSES TO LISTEN!:(

    But hes practically forcing me to go to LP now b/c "nothings wrong" and I'm going to have to worry about this shit while I'm gone.Anyone have the contact info to LP handy to give my mom incase something happens and she cant get me via my cell? I'm too exhaused to look it up.[:/]

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  9. Quote

    me????? bad influence???? I have no idea what you are talking about....we are headed out to get a couple of cases of wine today. do you like red or white?

    wine? eww not at a boogie! beer and liquor for boogies! but if its free I'll drink it so I'm a cheap date.whats the nearest luqior store to the dz?I need to pick up some Amaretto for some Moody Amaretto Sours.:D

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  10. Thanks you guys.

    Right now the doctors have ordered all manner of tests including a CT scan for next week.The doctor is leaning towards some type of seizure or tumor but wont know anything til next week.He was pissed that my dad hadnt come in sooner,but hes the type who never goes to the doctor for anything and it took alot of force just to get him to go this time.Even now he doesnt think its a big deal but it is.

    I'm thinking about cancelling my trip to LP I cant cancel my trip to LP b/c my dad had a fit and said I WAS going and the tix are nonrefundable anyway.Plus my mom said theres no point in me sitting on my hands here waiting for test results so I dont know what to do.:(

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  11. So right now my dad is sitting in a doctor's office.Hes been having blinding headaches on one side of his head and then shortly after the other side of his body will tense up/convulse or go limp and he'll fall down.Hes also been having memory failure.He'd call me and then 5 mins later swear he hadnt talked to me all day and hadnt called me.Once he helped a friend move their stuff and then came home after helping them all day only to tell my mom that he hadnt seen said friend in 2 days.He once went to bed at 11pm and ran back in the living room saying he was late for work b/c it was 11AM and we had to convince him he hadnt been to sleep yet and that it was night time.Its been going on for weeks and he wouldnt go to the doctor.We dont know if hes having small strokes,a brain anurism,has a tumor or what,but its taken begging,crying and alot of threatening by myself,my mom and my sister to get him to the doctor.

    I know we wont know anything today b/c I'm sure they'll want to run tests or something.I'm just praying for the love of God that hes going to be ok and survive this.I'm SO scared.:(

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  12. Quote

    ...although if you get us liquored up again in LP like last year than we do have a tendancy to play show and tell.

    LOL! I'd have to be VERY liquored up to play show and tell(....pssst I like Amaretto Sours;))Now show and feel is another story.

    Speaking of feel,I was packing for LP (yes I'm so excited I'm already packing) and my mom decided to bring in some stuff I'd bought at the store for the trip...sunscreen and the like.Well it just so happens condoms were on my list of "need" things for the boogie and she saw them and was like "aahhh.TMI TMI TMI!!!" hehehe! I was like "well you're the one who decided to help me and wouldnt you rather me be a safety girl than not protect myself?"Ofcourse she wants me to protect myself with a gun and a chastity belt.But the look on her face...priceless!That gets her back for all the times I've found used condom wrappers in their bedroom floor!:D:D:D

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  13. Quote

    Good for you!

    I do like to see the ladies find other places to put metal than their ears.... :ph34r:

    LOL! I had my hood pierced 2+years before I even though about getting my nipples pierced...and damn it the nipple piercings hurt worse than the hood piercing!:oB|

    but yeah I have 2 in each ear aswell,but they arent as fun as the other 3:ph34r:

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  14. Sorry,that was me last night.I think I'll take the night off tonight.I got into enough trouble last night as is with my drunk dialing/texting.:D

    I'd send you boobage but for some reason I get an error every time I try to send pics on my phone.:P

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  15. Quote

    I can officially say from experience that yes...he doesn't mind pierced nipples. :D:D:D

    LOL! well then, will my piercings atleast get me "honorable mention" from the boobie judges?I've got more than just my nips pierced...:ph34r::)

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."

  16. Quote

    Hey baby want some peaches n honey?

    hell yeah!even now that I'm sober!:)
    Post had you been on my DD list you might have gotten some uh...interesting one-handed texts.:D

    "...just an earthbound misfit, I."