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Posts posted by jerm

  1. Quote

    People that post awesome jump pics while i'm grounded should be punished.

    is that a threat or a promise? :P

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  2. Quote

    They also think we are all hicks that drive pickup trucks, wear cowboy hats, have an IQ of 7 (Mine is 16 so HA!) and love to kill stuff.

    nah.. that's just that line of states from TX to GA :P


    Personally, I think we are ALL ignorant morons :)

    very true

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  3. after this jump there was still daylight and i just went & had a beer... kickass jump

    sorry for the quality.... had to peel the stills from video.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time




  4. Quote

    So why Canada still allows Celine Dion to sing?

    i'm currently drafting a UN resolution to put a stop to that.... they've still got some issues to resolve

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  5. Quote

    Men with boobs have feelings too.

    "bob had bitch-tits"

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  6. wait wait.. i've got one.... stop me if you've heard it:

    So a baby seal walks into a club.....

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  7. Quote



    yeah! sushi! mmm...have had any in almost 24 hours...

    maybe i should start another thread about how much i love sushi...;)


    now if only a sushi dinner wasn't the cost of 3 jump tickets....

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  8. Quote

    Subway has the chicken teriyaki(sp?) subs.... that shit is good.

    true... and i've enjoyed them on many an occasion... but doesn't a spicky chicken combo (#6 is it?) sounds great right about now? just make sure they salt the fried enough.

    or a mexican pizza? yummmmmm

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  9. dude.. unless yer on a health-kick.. why is subway even in the running with contenders like that?

    now if only a cheezy-gordida-crunch weren't so far away :(

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  10. see the way i heard the myth originally was not that he got airborne, but just that he ran out of road and into a stone wall... and that his brakes had basically been burned up in the process.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  11. Quote

    hehehe, you get a red stained/dripping box in a couple days...

    2 words.... tupperware, overnight.

    or will your stuff eat through tupperware? y'are texan, afterall.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  12. Quote

    I'm making Red Beans and Rice as well as a dish that my Grandpa made called Corn and Tomatos (no that's not the only stuff in it)...I can't wait to have some of it, I don't know where my Grandpa got the recipe or if he just made it up, but its damn good.

    dude... i'll pay you to fedex me some of that :)

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  13. Quote

    Ok...let's go back to Shakira. :P

    hmm.. whereever, whenever :P

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  14. Quote


    and i just have to admire an artist who doesn't speak english but goes and LEARNS it well enough to be able to write songs in it so she can spread her fanbase


    thats Celine alright, and she ain worth admiration as an artist!!!!! maybe as a business woman, but an artist??? lmao

    umm.. i was still talking about shakira..... if celieca falls under that, too... well.... narf. i've got issues with celine, but does does have a good voice.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  15. Quote


    *pops in some Dream Theater*

    Might go see them in Pittsburgh next weekend. :)Excellent band.

    have you seen them live yet? this'll be my 5th time (6th attempt)... they're amazing.

    QR was also a good show when i saw them, but IMO their music has suffered since DeGarmo left...

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  16. Aguilera is cuter, hoter, has FAR more vocal talent than Spears, is opena bout her naughtiness, and DAMN dan that girl move.

    Spears kept trying to put across this role-model image for little girls and then went ueber-sexy. Whatever vocal talent she had as a teen that got her famous has gone in the late-teens/early 20s female vocal shift (nature can be cruel to you girls). Check out the latest album, he doesn't even attempt the range she used to use. Her music, while catchy, is common-fare pop-swil.l

    Aguilera took a couple of years out of the scene just to STOP being lumped in with Spears, as their musical styles (yes, both pop) are not the same.

    As for Shakira, she's extremely hot, can also move, and i just have to admire an artist who doesn't speak english but goes and LEARNS it well enough to be able to write songs in it so she can spread her fanbase.

    *pops in some Dream Theater*

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  17. Quote

    Not to worry. The amount of forward throw is near enough the same for RW and FF that it can usually be ignored when figuring go-to-go times.

    umm.. no it isn't. at least not in relation to putting freefliers out first. between the same types of groups, yes.. both will have similar throw. With RW out first, the difference in throw will help create the desired separation.

    Flat fliers present when they exit... freefliers cut directly into the wind. Throw is a very big deal.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  18. People (sub-500 jumps).. we're not telling you you can't jump something.... all we're doing is saying to wait a little while before you do.

    This is coming from 'older'.more experiences jumpers who have beena round to see a lot, and have a perspective on the issue that newer jumpers just can't.

    WHY is it so bad to have to wait until you've been in the sport long enough to be more likely to really understand the dangers. To wait long enough to build the skills you need to survive?

    is your life, and the lives of your friends, potentially worth the sating fo a bit of impatience?

    why is waiting a few jumps SUCH a bad thing?

    Impractical as it would be, if the regulation went into effect tomorrow, BUT you would be grandfathered if you were out of compliance (trying to take away the self-serving part of the decision making process here), would you still disagree so vehemently?

    if you're so in favor of mentors, why won't you listen to the ones who are screaming at you right now?

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  19. Quote

    Please also say why "education is not working" if it hasn't been tried yet, that is, there isn't a section on canopy progression in the SIM.

    because there IS education available.. and the only people i see getting it (having been to a canopy skills camp and a CRW camp (different soirt of canopy skills camp) in the last 2 weeks) are the people who are already safety concious.

    The people who really need the education to keepo them alive (becuause they're downsizing so fast) aren't getting it. THAT is the problem.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  20. Quote

    I put myself in the category of risk-averse...but I don't think it's right to extend my risk aversity into the lives of others -- except when other people's decisions endanger me of course...

    ah.. then you agree with us. It DOES endanger me.

    It endangers me under canopy when someone doesn't have the skills to be flying that wing

    It endangers me in the landing area when someone may hook into me (hey, if they can't steer clear of the ground, why are the any mroe capable of steering clear of me?)

    It endangers my sleep habits and my concentration when i get flashbacks of watching someone bounce.

    It endangers my dropzone when it has to fork over legal fees to fight lawsuits of dishonorable jumpers or grieving families

    It endangers my dropzone when the local town officials won't renew the lease cause of all the people getting seriously injuerd/killed

    It endangers my sport when the FAA decides to poke its head in and do something about all the people getting killed.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  21. Nathaniel,

    You seem to think you know an awful lot about all of this for someone with so very little experience in the sport.

    Hang a round a while. Wach a few people go in from poor canopy choices. Watch how well the mentoring program works with the people who don't think they need it.

    Your argument about people leaving skydiving if they can't jump a 1.8 canopy until they have 501 jumps is utter bullshit.. If i'm wrong, good.. let them leave and kill themselves somewhere else, i don't need their blood smearing the reputation of my sport. If i'm right, then they'll get the education they need either through experience or a class.. either way they're more likely to live longer.

    And as for how we got "From dead bodies to BSRs". Dead bodies are EXACTLY how we get to BSRs. Again, hang out for a while and learn what you're talking about.


    1100 jumps, 1.42, samurai 150

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time