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Posts posted by jerm

  1. Quote

    Quote other defense of why oral is not feels absolutely nothing like it.


    yes, and oral modifies sex.... to modify is to change.. to change is to make different.

    So Dt. Mt Dew really isn't Mt Dew
    A tandem skydive really isn't skydiving
    Fat-free ranch isn't ranch
    Classical Music isn't music
    a cell phone isn't a phone
    anal sex isn't sex

    tuna boat
    matchbox car
    military intelligence

  2. Quote

    A homosexual male couple having anal sex is "having sex", and it is anal

    agreed, but i addressed that in my original reply -- anal is the closes thing 2 guys can get to coitus, so it is sex for them

    for lesbians... i think it depends on the lesbians.


    , in your & Val's definition, they would not be having sex. How's you like to tell that to all those couples?

    i think they'd me more upset if you told them they weren't making love....

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  3. Quote


    yes, and oral modifies sex.... to modify is to change.. to change is to make different.

    you people who try to use grammar to explain how people think.. lmao

    so is a blue car not :P;)a car?

    sure, howabout a matchbox car?

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  4. Quote

    Ok,,if ain't sex,,,let your s/o do it while you watch and then lets see how you feel !!!!!!

    i have.. and i was pissed off that my SO masturbated the guy, but it wasn't sex.

    cheating is breaking rules.. there's more that's against the rules than just fucking

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  5. Quote

    um, it's called "oral sex". Oral is an adjective, not a verb.

    yes, and oral modifies sex.... to modify is to change.. to change is to make different.

    ergo: "oral sex" is different than "sex"

    oral sex is sex-like... making it sex-u-al in nature

    but it's not sex

  6. Quote

    again I say...add incest, shake, and pour...

    So a guy has his daughter blow him....
    was it sexual? yes
    was it sex? no

    you're trying to add the emotional stigma of incide to the argument, and it's not necessary... we're not saying that it not being sex makes getting head from your daughter any less wrong. It's still wrong, it's just not sex.

    Tongue-kissing my mother would be wrong.. and it would be incest.. but it wouldn't be sex. Fucking her would be sex.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  7. Quote

    If the objective of the activity is to get someone off, then it is sex.

    I dated a girl who could get off from having her nipples played with.... is that sex?

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  8. Quote


    if the rapist is going to beat you for not bending to their will, imagine what they'd do to you for that

    That sort of concept has always been hard for me to grasp. Someone tries to put me in a situation where I have to do something or they'll be violent with me...well, I tend to anger and break them.

    that's cause you have the mentual fortutide to do so and the physical strength to back ti up... oh and you're male. Not that guys don't get raped, but it's much less common.

    it's a very different story for most wome -- testosterone is on the guy's side and so it society's history of teaching women to get submissive. The self-preservation instinct kicks in and you do whatever you thing you have to to get out of it alive... if he says blow him, you blow him....

    remember that there are people out there who can get smahed in the balls and take it.. god forbid you bite one of those guys... you're dead.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  9. Quote

    Wouldn't that be hard to do? To actually force someone to give oral sex. People have teeth, ya know...

    I doubt most people with the hutspa (i know it's spelled wrong) to attempt that wouldn't be that far into a rape situation in the first place.

    Remeber, most rape is about control and power, usually backed up with the threat (or use) of physical violence... if the rapist is going to beat you for not bending to their will, imagine what they'd do to you for that.... regardless of whether or not they'd be capable, that's what the rapee would probably believe at that point.

  10. narf... it's splitting hairs, i know, but i consider sex to be, if possible, penis entering vagina. Obviously this changes if the people onvolved are collectively lacking one of the 2 main ingredients.

    Oral sex is a sexual activity
    Anal sex is a sexual activity
    Mutual Masturbation a sexual activity

    The oral/anal modifier reduces the "sex" part to something that is sex-like, but not quite. In oral, the mouth is replacing one of the genatalia, with anal, it's the anus.

    Are they sexual? certainly!! they're simulating sex in one manner or another... are they actually sex? no.... simulating a hamburger with a veggie-pattie for meat is not a hamburger... it's simulating a hamburger. It is hamburger-like, but missing one of the key ingredients.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  11. i still don't understand why wingloading should effect opening time. I can see how higher weight would mean a faster freefall -- faster opening, and how a smaller canopy needs less air to infalte -- faster opening, but i cna't see how that's anything more than a general correlation, ie: heavy people jumping small canopies.

    if a light person and a heavy person are jumping the same size and make canopy, and are salling at the same speed (very important there), shouldn't the openings be similar?

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  12. the ranch is about 1.5 hours away in good traffic... and i think sky's the limit is similar

    Campgrounds are prolly the way to go, but i dunno jersey well enough to suggest any.

    i can't believe you don't know anyone to stay with in NYC, dove, you know everyone! :P

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  13. yeah, cause freedome fries was SO mature....

    seriously, the anti-french backlash to not pandering to our trigger-happy administration has to be the biggest display of immatury on a national level in history. You'd think it was a bunch of french guys piloting those planes for the beating france took in this country.

    What did they do that was so bad? Fail to support us in pounding a country. Asked for some evidence to substantiate the Bush's claims? wow.... how horrible.

    oh yeah, how many nukes have they found in iraq?

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  14. 6-ish:15:3

    1st time getting to hold hands & watch the sunset in freefall with my squeeze

    1st time getting "interrupted" by a 20 min call

    1st time fire-walking at the ranch

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  15. Quote


    Yes its definiately called the Katana. Some people are saying that it does not have a name just a symbol (sad I know). But the "symbol" is the Japanese word for Katana (to laymen thats the correct name for a "samurai sword").

    PD is cool because they name their canopies after knives.

    Actually, it names them after airplanes.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  16. Quote

    Someone mentioned this to me, and I have no clue what it is. What is it? :S

    Go find a mirror.... look directly into it.. now smile.


    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  17. Quote

    >_I_ may not turn out to be so lucky

    Please, once Grant sees the video and more important the audio of the last Saturday night you know that he'll keep that one for some video. Or he'll use it as an excuse not to hire you back for next year :D

    Hey, if you keep a drunk guy waiting for more beer, he's gonna pour it himself.. that's what you meant, right? :P

    heh... sheesh.. you know... i have NO idea what the audio was... i'll really be needing a copy of that when you get yer tapes back. :)

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  18. i haven't been using my tent lately.. you're welcome to it.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  19. y'all are luck that i'm not actually editing the final cut of the movie ;)

    Or maybe un-lucky.... i might be more dicreet about people i knew, as i was in the dailys (you know who you are).

    _I_ may not turn out to be so lucky..... hmm.... gotta go kiss-up to grant.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  20. happy b-day girl!!!!

    damn.. i've gotta check talkback more often.... narf.

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  21. Quote

    I hadn't noticed until the girl I was talking to made a comment because one girl was going for the skirt. The bartender put the brakes on that.

    maybe THAT night they put the brakes on.. but there's video of that very method of jello-shot-passing floating around....

    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

  22. well.. if you drive it.. about 2.5 hours.... taking mass transit in it's various forms.. a bit longer... but that's JFK

    From manhattan it's usually only about 1.5 - 2

    PM me if you need directions.


    Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time