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  1. Ok Nigel, not nit picking here but try and read what I posted and not react.. First qustion was not solely based on the physical aspect, but the Brain draining part..and I asked why take up skydiving ? Not an unreasonable question I think? He's clearly having self doubt and low confidence as well, hence why I asked perhaps it's time to re-evaluate if he wanted to continue? Again not an unreasonable question to ask? .. Now the good part, I gave him the scenario where I was with a guy who suffered terrible confidence at Elsinore last week, but he persevered and passed his AFF and got his A-Licence. Again, the closing comment was that ONLY HE himself can decide if he wants to continue, where do you actually see me tell him to cut away and take up something else? .. Now unless I'm missing something, you yourself said skydiving is mental rather than physical, but the poor fella is telling us he blanks out when he's under free fall, is this not a SAFETY concern more than anything? Yes it's fine if he's with his AFFI's but what is he going to be like that when he's on his consoles? I think as well tunnel time is helpful, but the locations are few and far between, and again, the costs can be more than the OP can afford? I hope he does continue it's an awesome sport, and I'm sure once he gets some self confidence back, but I'd like to also know what his AFFI's have been telling him as well?
  2. You're very critical of yourself mate, but if you've known you're bad at physical sports etc, why take up such a brain draining sport? Perhaps it's time to re-evaluate whether you want to continue? It can be done if you put your mind to it, I've just come back from Elsinore where I had the privelege of jumping with the B.L.E.S.M.A Trans4mers and one of the lads there was having stability issues, and he persevered and has just got his A licence, only you can decide if you've got the mindset to continue jumping fella
  3. Is that plot or POT Very good show, and Captain Phil Harris was a legend with the Cornellia Marie ....
  4. except the airbags didn't deploy because he wasn't going fast enough I'd go more along the lines of Domestic IN the house, she sets about Tiger collecting DNA from his face under her fingers, he high tails it, but cant see shit because half his eyeball is still in wifey's hand, she pursues him with a club, and smashes the windows as he tries to drive off, he reverses into said hydrant, whilst the scorned wife is closing in, he puts the boot down, right into the tree. By the sound of it, she connects with his head when smashing the windows, not to help him escape, as the doors were fine, he staggers out, gets a dunt on the napper, and goes down, unconcious, and by then the cops arrive, there's no fcuking way she was trying to pull him free from the truck, he would have been ripped to shreds getting dragged through the windows, and I challenge any wife out there to try and get in, through the window, and then extract her hubby, without suffering glass related injuries!!! Ask any Fireman how difficult it is to extract a person alone from a vehicle through a window, even a door..... The whole thing smells like a Chinese Tuna Farm!!!
  5. It's a shame you felt intimidated, and that in itself is making you nervous and uncomfortable, I've just done my AFf levels 1-7 over in Spain where my Instructors were brilliant, but I have to admit, there is an awful lot to take in, that's why it's called Accelerated..... Information overload is probably the reason, trust me, the last thing you want dropping at 120mph is too much info, as you forget the main things, and your brain starts to get confused. He's not fobbing you off because he cant be bothered, he also might be dealing with other students and doing camera work for Tandems etc.... Relax mate, because you're working yourself up before you even get to Altitude, how are you going to feel if this particular Instructor feels you're too tense and fails you on certain levels, I personally wouldn't get too worked up about it, take what he says in, and relax, because once you are relaxed a bit more, you'll get the buzz and enjoyment out of your jumps...
  6. Unfortunately the weather here in Scotland has been dire, so it looks like the New Year before I'll get the chance to jump again...
  7. Hi folks, Just passed my AFF course in Castellon DZ in Spain, amazing experience, and superb place to learn, staff very friendly, and a huge thanks to my 2 instructors Laura and Oscar...... Looking forward to beginning to jump solo when return from my next deployment .....