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Posts posted by Bruno

  1. In europe you see a lot of PDF rigs, so reverse risers are common.
    I made some tests in a suspended harness overcharging at 3 G. the pull force was horribly hi, also on 5 different risers, doing identical test, the pull force was very different, meanings that the risers (all from PDF) aren't built in a standard way.
    I removed reverse risers and throw them away.

  2. I agree with Erno
    The girl made a terrible mistake, no one must be UNDER the formation, is the place where a videoman deploys his main in a 4-way FS, all others must track away from the center at break off altitude.
    One question: Way the videoman didn't see the person straight below him?

  3. Chivo
    are you sure to have the right experience in RW for that jump? the flag that you are planning to use is too big. Tray with a smaller one. Make a 2-way linked exit, the most experienced hold the flag folded in one hand, the other make a grip on that hand and fly parallel, wait for the video to position in front of you then the second change the grip on one of the flag's handle, rlelease the flag, plan a hi breakoff, the video track away, the man in the left side deploy while the other hold the flag till the opening starts then release the flag ( to avoid interference) and track away.
    Are you sure? 50 jump experience is not enough.

  4. Mark
    You are right
    but, with a PC in no wind condition is better to use toggle to land, not like a square, timing is more critical for a soft landing. You can also stall a PC.
    Forward speed is no comparable to a square (5 to 7 m/s) and vetical speed is very low, compared to a square in full flight so in windy condition you don't need to use toggle because you don't need to slow down vertical (is slow enough) or forward speed (wind do it). Accuracy with PC where made only downwind (horrible to see).

  5. Erno
    Not only for the holes (also really rounds have holes for steering and little speed), the apex of Para Commander, papillon, UT-15, olympic etc. (in Italy we call them "calotte rientranti"), is pulled down by a rope running from the apex to the risers, this give the canopy a particular shape to generate a small amount of lift, not like a square but some (typically 2/3rd drag 1/3rd lift). In Italy till '85 you must have at least 30 jump with a "calotta rientrante" canopy before cleared to use a square.

  6. Mark
    Para Commander is not exactly a round canopy.
    A round slow down de descent speed only by air drag The Para Commander slow down by drag and lift. It also has a valuable forward speed (compared with a round) that you must stop for landing.
    So the correct technique for landing is to pull down both toggle, or rear riser, similar to square.

  7. Fudd
    In Norway is it legal to jump through clouds??

    In Italy is forbidden, most of the jump planes in use are only VFR, so they can't fly without ground visual contact, many DZ do it (illegally). We write a lot of laws but we normally don't follow them (Italian style of life). In my area (Sardinia island) clouds are rare, I personally never go on a load over the clouds

  8. Try this site go to harness then relative workshop then vector 3 micron.
    Keep in mind RWS , i think they build the best and more safe rig.

  9. Quote

    ***Remember 90% of reserve ride for openings mals is with pull out systems.***

    ...but it also may be that somewhere around 90 percent of rigs have pullouts vs. puds. It's amazing how you can make numbers say anything B|

    I don't know in USA, but in Europe Throw-out is the most common system.
    Sangiro could place a poll on that subject.

  10. The big pro in throw out is that you can place the PC in clean air stream. With pull out, you open the main container and immediately release the pc, very close to your turbulence (imagine the situation if you are wearing a big or video wing suit ). the big con in pull out is that you can easily lose the handle, resulting in a total mal
    Remember 90% of reserve ride for openings mals is with pull out systems.
    Use correct PC and correct packing and you NEVER find your self in pc in tow mal with throw out.

  11. Can someone explain me how the toggles are connected on the control lines in this canopy [] ?. Sorry but in my area we don't see many different canopy/rig