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  1. correct your post's subject... Luna rossa 4 Oracle 1
  2. no no I watch every match go luna rossa!!! Bruno
  3. Italy... You can jump here, but you need a valid third party insurance, check,
  4. The photo posted by markymarc explain very well how it works. All french RSL (LOR2) I saw (student and expert) has 2 pin. They are very common in Europe
  5. Very simple, both risers MUST leave before reserve container is open. To deactivate RSL you need to open the snap on one riser, if you cutaway, one closing pin go away (the fixed one), the other (with the snap open) stay in place, keeping the reserve container closed. hope my poor english is understandable. Bruno
  6. Italy: mandatory only for students (30 jump) many DZs require AAD for jumping Bruno
  7. check under canopy, handles moves a lot. Bruno
  8. In Italy Jump ticket about 22 Euro Tandem Jump 170 Euro A good restaurant 25 Euro a good Hotel 50 Euro If you have health trouble... completely free! Hospital care... completely free!
  9. When i started jumping only rounds and PC where available. I jumped 200 times on rounds. Now, in my country (Italy), only square canopy are allowed for main. So you can't drive an old fashion car!! Bruno
  10. Antonio you often find technical discussions on the forum, they are very useful. But remember, you MUST follow only your instructor during the fjc. Bruno
  11. This habit could kill You, in case of low cutaway. Low cutaway happen!! Bruno
  12. No rules in Italy You clear the student status after 30 Jump (7 AFF included). Than You are a licensed skydiver, like a 8000 jumps person. You can use every kind of canopy You want at every WL You want. (Yes, a lot of work for hospitals near the DZs) Bruno