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Everything posted by Tangoduck

  1. Do I detect a hint of jealousy on your part?
  2. I can certainly see how depth perception would be an issue when flying with tiny people, kinda like the opposite of those signs on rearview mirrors that read, "objects in this mirror are closer than they appear." They can fly their asses off when they are in a little people formation, but add a full sized jumper and that's where the issues begin. Can you imagine laying base for 5 midgets and when they come in it would be like being attacked by the flying monkeys from "Wizard of Oz"!!!
  3. I've heard tell of a DZO in the Los Angeles area that is making a killing providing specialized training to midget skydivers. Not only does he train them he is also a master rigger and builds custom rigs to fit their tiny bodies. My understanding is that most of them jump an 80 sf square. Apparently all of these little people are getting skydive certified in hopes of landing a role in an upcoming movie about midget skydiving Elvis impersonaters in Las Vegas, set to begin filming in 2010 with a release date some time in 2011. I had the opportunity to visit this non USPA mom and pop outfit and observed some of their training. It was amazing to see all of these tiny bodies falling from the sky. They are actually quite good at it!! However, they suck at swooping. I saw alot of them crash and burn! You've got to give it to them, they are tough little boogers, they brush themselves off and get right back to it.