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Posts posted by aidclimber

  1. blah blah a lot of people have too much time on there about in stead of flaming JT on the forum ya'll take a trip to the potato state and make a few jumps with him....i bet after you spend the day out there jumping with him you'll find out that he does not have an FU attitude but he is one of the funnest people to jump with ......go jump have fun quit your bitchen

    Sky Beck:P
    [email protected]

  2. I have the DCR-HC30 and have 12 slider down jumps and one terminal jump on the camera. it has been working very well so far. i had a small glich on the terminal opening but i'm the only one who noticed and very nice video/audio on the slider down openings (2 sec delay). careful what you say with the camera on as the microphone is very strong.. i've been happy with it so far... light weight and low profile.

    [email protected]