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Dropzone Reviews posted by Husker

  1. This place will blow your mind! I stopped in to check it out and the first thing that struck me (besides the smell of doggy mess) was the fact that the beer fridge was open and flowing – IN THE MIDDLE OF THE JUMP DAY!? The people hanging around seemed proud that they jumped drunk?? I knew then that I wasn’t going to make a jump at this place but I figured that I’d hang out for the fun of it… Stepping around the animals and trash I came upon the “class room” and was amazed to find that none of the so called instructors have USPA ratings! Don’t take my word for it. Have a USPA GM DZ run their names and see for your self. Oh yea! I got a great picture of their plane which has the little “piss on it guy” going on a USPA sticker! How cool are these guys?