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Posts posted by FB1609

  1. Honestly ...has to be one of the the dumbest things I've ever heard. Why rush through something that is life or death? Did they actually put seals on them? I hope not but if so, would you feel comfortable jumping one?

    Cool to meet Kittinger though.

  2. My friend wanted to learn taxidermy. He's a Newfie. They said it was good to start with pigeons so he went out to buy some. The guy who was selling them was cool till my friend said "yeah, I'm gonna kill them and stuff them" lol, the guy took them back and told him to Foff. He found another guy and told him he wanted to train them. He then killed them with his car exhaust and tried to stuff them.
    What a mess. lol. Parasites everywhere on his living room table, I was there, and when he was done it just looked like a crooked dead bird on a stand.

  3. I miss the old days too. I did my first jump in 82, not that early I guess.
    Back in the days when lots of people at my DZ were flying strato-rocks (5 cells). I had a 252 parafoil. It was pretty impossible to hurt yourself landing that unless it was too windy. Lol, a spider slider. My container was a RW Wonderhog...with a 3 ring release..ooooh.

    Glad to have the memories. I think I remember you Bill, what was your home DZ?

  4. Quote

    I will be making my first jump today after the death of a jumper I had sat next to on the pac before her fatal jump. I never have had this much anxiety before a jump and I am hoping it goes away once i'm out the door. I have alweays accepted the risk with this sport but I never realized that the death of someone else could affect me so much.
    Just curious if anyone else has had this problem and how they deal with it.

    After 4 friends went in over a period of 18 months, I decided to stop jumping. Its been 10 years since my last jump but I have really been thinking about taking it up again. After reading the fatality reports I am a bit concerned about all the fully functioning canopy deaths these days. Collisions and swoop deaths were very rare when I did my last jumps. I was using the original Sabre 150 back then but there wasn't many people swooping yet. I may go to Zhills this easter, I used to load organize there and hopefully still know some people.