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    Heatwave 150sqft
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    PD Optimum
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    Cypres 2

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  1. Helloouu.. Anyone has got a manual for a Pisa Hornet canopy? We have a d******d learning to swoop with an old Hornet and i recall that the manual says pulling the fronts is a bad idea. The thing is that he does not listen anything that we are trying to teach him, he knows everything. I´w done few jumps on a hornet(had to) and compared to other old school 9cells that thing is even wors than a Spark. If the post is in a wrong place can you move it to the rigging section so i can get and read the manual to talk some sense in to this guy. -v
  2. Tänks juhis!! Would have not noticed that the s/n thing has changed.
  3. That's true, but it's really not as hard as you might think... If you can kite your canopy, you can easily launch it... Not that it's the safest activity to get into... But there's not to many hardcore bowlers here, so... Speed Riding (1st Attempt) Speed-Flying / Ground-Launching (At about 50 flights and 150 Skydive Landings) I used the same Safire2 169 loaded at about 1.3 for all my ground launches and the last 100 skydives. Yeah dude.. The heroes may have a point on what they are saying. GL on a ski slope with a snowboard, kids and not that much experience is very bad. Actually with experience its very bad all so, snowboard has sharp edges and you have a couple of variables in the road. But i m not here to put you down in anyways just to give you a couple of tips to make you flying a bit safer. Launching - Nice! You had the canopy up and flying on headwind. Everything else after that very very dangerous in that terrain!! Like all parachutes you only use the toggle brakes to stop the chute from going forward! Not to get it flying! Speed is the key in launching. If you launch a skydive chute safely you need 3 things, headwind(a little), speed and front risers. Get the canopy up and flying like you did and steer it with the fronts, then pull the fronts down (not all the way down :) ) and run like hell down the hill and when its starts to feel like you have enough gound speed RUN SOME MORE!! Then gently lift the risers up and go to the rears or toggles.. Just a little bit if you use toggles. And LEAN FORWARD on the rig!! I saw you had your slider attached to your chute and it was loose. Wery very baad. Take it off. It has a lot of drag on it. All so loosen up your chest strap and remember to get some speed (toggles up) before you land/flare the canopy and make a normal 2 stage skydive flare. Just to give you a couple of pointers not to bash in anyways. Nice video, fly safe! :) Ps. If you know how to design a harness.. You probaply know how to remove the slider.. in your case i would go with the skydive rig cuz thats what skydive chutes are designed for.