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Gear Reviews posted by blair700

  1. I was able to make several skydives on my new Phoenix-Fly Pants and Jacket last weekend. I have BASE jumped the suit, but only once so my views here are strictly from the experiences I had skydiving.
    The first thing I noticed once out of the plane was the slower fall rate and increased forward speed. It felt almost like flying a wingsuit, I was able to stay in freefall for more than 80 seconds on the first jump from 13000¡¦ and averaged a fall rate of 80 MPH. I then did a couple jumps from 6000¡¦ where I was able to get 40+second delays. Again, the extra freefall time is nice, but the increased forward speed is what I was most impressed with. The body position seems similar to how I fly my GTI, however I had a whole different set of sore muscles to deal with this week! Also, I am 6ft3" and weigh about 200lbs. and am physically, aerodynamically challenged...
    I did notice that if you don't present the pants quite right to the relative wind, some lift is lost, however this is momentary as once you find the right body position for your entire body, you can feel the suit fly. At deployment, again, openings felt like wingsuit deployments, very sub-terminal, but of course as soon as you deploy you are ready to fly your canopy as there is nothing to be unzipped etc.
    As with the other products Robert Pecnik makes, the research, design, and finish of the products is second to none. I would recommend this product to any skydiver who wants to fly, and any BASE jumper who wants yet another perfect tool for site specific jumps. Lucky for me I'm both.