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  1. Hi gang, as a skydiver and the producer of this film, I just wanted to add a little something. While there are indeed many facets to skydiving, in this instance we'd like to portray the great parts of our community, our sport and this part of Dan's story that are every part as real as anything that might be portrayed as negative. We want parents to take their kids and teenagers to see it and for all of them to leave with the highest appreciation for skydiving and skydivers. If we have to leave out the drugs, profanity and sexual content to present the wonderful side of skydiving that we want them to see, we will. AAMPS has the same vision in mind. They're not the only possibility, but they seem to be a viable one. Thanks to everyone who has expressed enthusiasm and support. Dan and I are extremely gratified by many well-wishes he has received. We hope to make you all proud. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, would love to hear them. Please feel free to contact me. Thanks, Mary Pat Avery [email protected] [email protected] Quote