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  1. I am new here and yes my jump numbers are correct (0) but i dont have a problem speaking up when there is someones safety or life at steak.From what i have learned being very new (green) to this sport is that listening to others advise can save your life and your not only risking your life but others around you if you rush into a smaller canopy because your over anxious.Not implying you are,just sounds like it.From what i have gatherd would i be out of line in sugesting that you should talk to others that you jump with on a regular basis that have allot of experience and may advise you on weather or not you may be ready to downsize?I am fairly certain they would be able to give you very good input based on your skill level and jump numbers if your ready to make a change.I personaly would much rather here someone say i dont think your ready then to make the decision on my own based on my own opinion of myself and end up hurting myself or a fellow skydiver because i really wasnt ready.You may want to reconsider using the term "dick around" when it has anything to do with skydiving.I havent made my first jump yet but when i do i hope there isnt anyone dickin around while im up there. I know giving advise when you dont have experience in the topic of discussion can be a little tabu so please forgive me if i have upset anyone but it just falls back to anything in life thats high risk"Safety first and a whole lot of common sense and good judgement can carry you a long way" Rob
  2. Say what you will but i do believe the topic was on what constitutes a legal place of residence in order to vote and as you said "All anybody wanted was the ability to vote once no matter what their circumstance." what does circumstance have to do with color?.....I will tell you,absolutly nothing so the coment you made about going back to only white males voting was out of line.If you have a valid point as to why white males and there voting history played a part in this topic i will gladly listen.I do also believe that every citizen has the right to vote. Not the ones that are clean, not the ones that have homes, not just the ones that know where their next meal is coming from. But being white or black or who could or couldnt vote over 60 years ago is not the issue.You could have just as easily said do you think we should let only people who live in houses vote to get your point across. Quote
  3. This is a rely to councilman24's remark "Or should we go back to only white males can vote?" Somebody allways has to start throwing stones..........Why does it allways have to be The "White" Guy?...or the "Black" guy