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Posts posted by richravizza

  1. On 5/5/2024 at 8:23 PM, billvon said:

    Nope, it's not correct.  Simple.

    "The left" does not want to abolish free speech or freedom of religion.  Indeed, they are fighting back against republicans who are trying to ban books, courses of study and topics in schools.  They are fighting back against people like Trump, who wants to arrest and jail journalists who criticize him.  They want to stop conservative cancel culture that seeks to cancel anything or anyone they disagree with, from Colin Kaepernick to The View to CNN to "woke" media.

    "The left" does not want to abolish gun ownership.  But they do want to do a better job keeping guns out of the hands of homicidal maniacs.

    Again pretty simple.

    Since it is important to be equally laughable, we should appreciate inherent privilege.

      Some books are inappropriate. racist baby and all boys are not blue do not belong in our schools. If you think they do, I'll hold my nose, meet you halfway with one concession. That Abigail Shrier book is available to parents and schools don't keep secrets from parents.

    Oh and by the way, nobody wants guns in the hands of homicidal maniacs.

    I haven't heard from Slim King in a minute, did you ban him?

  2. 11 hours ago, billvon said:

    Given the content, I have a feeling said staffer used an AI engine to create a "video" with the text he wanted to have, and the engine used a background appropriate for that sort of propaganda based on historical associations.  And perhaps he even checked it, but the term "reich" didn't ring a bell.

    He will be free tomorrow to answer questions,lol. 

    I don't know if you got this little diddy.


  3. On 5/7/2024 at 11:51 PM, jakee said:

    What’s the difference between a snark premise that you think is true and anything else you say because you think it’s true?

    Feel free to try. Though last time didn’t you stop responding when it turned out you don’t know what the phrase tone deaf means?


    I don't know, you tell me.

    I was hoping you'd do a simple search into those terms.It would improve both your pitch, and literary breadth.

    But ya Ronnie,



    On 5/8/2024 at 1:54 PM, winsor said:

    "No case, abuse the plaintiff."

     Like Dr.B, some fringe ideas are truth. You sent me into the curiosity zone with the Great Berrington Declaration and the Proximal Origin. Seems vindication is in order, a bit late but thank you.Now if we could just convince others, they may have been mistaken.


    You far right, nut job conspiracy theorist. LOL

    Seven ways to recognize your  arguing with someone who doesn't use logic.

    Being stunned by new info, without a change in perspective.

    Inaccurately summarizing the others sides perspective.

    Misreading nefarious intent of opposing views.

    Attacking  one's character,getting angry,moving of goalposts.
    Lastly and most obvious,Retreating from a point without any concession.

    A  interview of interest.



  5. On 5/6/2024 at 5:56 AM, normiss said:

    Can we get an interpreter in here? I think I missed a language class somewhere.

    That's why I post videos, so I don't annoy y'all with the language brearior as the  incoherent messenger.

    "White people that should know better"

  6. 10 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

    When you get your news from the back of a zigzag pack you are susceptible, and entitled, to a certain degree of confusion.

    OK...I admire your input, you're consistent.

    sorta like..

    "The Pot calling the kettle black."

  7. On 5/5/2024 at 2:17 PM, wmw999 said:

    Freedom of religion doesn’t mean you don’t have to be aware of people you disagree with. Gays, transgender, intersex, satanists, people who cuss, people who wear long skirts — the constitution says they all get the same rights. So if you don’t want to be aware of feminists, that’s your problem, not mine. If you think homosexuality is wrong, that’s your problem. The fact that it’s called out in the Old Testament of the a Christian Bible is no more relevant to secular law than the fact that the wearing of linen and wool together is called out.

    The Amish can separate themselves, so can others. You don’t like the real world, don’t make it conform to your beliefs. That’s no more American than requiring women to wear long skirts and head scarves because men might be tempted. It’s up to men to control themselves.

    It’s also up to religious people to control themselves. They don’t want to be offended by something, stay away  

    Wendy P. 

    You. huh...You use the word very liberally.Your projections of me are interesting,dark and simple,and Damn I have only have one opinion on a subject.Too bad, but you don't know me.I think your going to be pleasantly surprised,if you do. I just read it aloud to my wife and you made her day, she said something passing, I won't repeat LOL 


     If We call someone Clueless, is it grounds to warn, then ban them,and would that have repercussions to Our community reputation.Perhaps we can continue with the conversation on the 1A thing, on the 2A thread,doubt Brent would mind.



  8. On 5/6/2024 at 12:47 AM, jakee said:

    Is it though?

    So no, it wasn’t a joke.

    Thank you,I stand corrected, it was simply a snark Premise. A mirror of Bills book banning comment.Did you ever find something you disagree with the left about?  We could go over to the woke thread to discuss doublethink,speak and tone deafness and how they're connected. I've even got a video of Ronnie doing an example if your interested.

  9. Hi Bill,

     My lived experience could help if you would have ask...but I'll bet words from MLK just might help more. The commentary of who and what Conservatives think may help you even more.

    "All tyrants past present and future are powerless to bury the Truths in these Declarations. No matter how extensive their legions,how vast their power and how malignant their Evil."



    2 hours ago, lippy said:


    "When you hold up the Fox News caricature of Liberals to pigeon-hole anyone who’s not in political lockstep with you, you can make all kinds of accusations about those darn evil Liberals."

     Brent once told me he doesn't think Liberals are evil...just wrong. I couldn't agree more. I don't watch Fox.Come to think of it, even if it's a topic I want to bring up, I avoid a Faux news source as I know it might hurt your sensibilities,inducing tone deafness.

     If you Could agree with Don Lemon, that woke has become a religion of sorts, we might see eye to eye on something.But true to form,and right when I thought you were flirting with me, Whoa, that's some bad breath. "Welp, since nothing of the sort exists, best get back to sharing libtard videos with Winsor on the dizzyDotCom. " 

    You should revisit my sources,identity politics being the priority, excluding Bill Maher, I hope you find something interesting about them.

    What genre do you like? I'll try and find something special just for you.

  11. 7 hours ago, billvon said:

    So you want the Constitution "terminated."   Sorry, my friend, gonna fight you on that one.  You may not give a rat's ass, but some of us are rather fond of it.  Heck, my father fought for it; I bet even you know a veteran or two who put their lives on the line for it.

     Dude your like dry white toast. IT WAS A JOKE, a snark premise,but your so wrapped up in virtue and moral panic..

     Poe's Law could smack you in the back of the head,  eyes now crossed,Godwins could smack you again and the only good that would come out from such an experience is...your eyes will be right back where you started..LOL

    Reread my post is it not correct in assuming the left would like to abolish both.

  12. 2 hours ago, jakee said:

    Yes, it is a vey special form of courage to parrot the prevailing right wing culture war nonsense of the day while deliberately blanking any opposing opinion. What kind of medal would you recommend?

     Courage involves risk and personal loss or injury without compensation. Acts of courage are not motivated by meatballs or metals. Some Selflessness is required.

     I'm surprised he hasn't lost is livelihood, career and reputation, albeit this thread, because so many professors have. What's in it for them, nothing. Stoicism comes to mind but that's for another day.


    8 hours ago, wmw999 said:

    Like I said, I’m new here :halo:
    Wendy P. 

      The reasoning for my posts is to find one common denominator with anyone other than Winsor. Liberals use to try to find common bonds among those they disagree,but that doesn't seem to be the case any longer.

    PS That smile on your avatar,I find it contagious.


  13. 4 hours ago, winsor said:

    If you dispute the stance of the videos, fine.  I am impressed that the data regarding Tavistock were laid out in a rather coherent fashion

     Being that I am technically defiant. Please copy this thread. Erec Smith may want to use it as a case study, if not, a memoir or an interactive novelet may be an idea.$

     There is so much subject matter in Hereocies,so many points of contention.One in particular, the gay equation, that 80% of patients were gay. Like the Chloe Cole case this fact hits home. The dark joke, inside an Institution that "there won't be any gay kids, they'll all be trans"sic.

    4 hours ago, winsor said:

    You are young, but I can still recall when 'liberal' was generally moderate and did not imply hard core Marxism.  Hearing out contrary positions and trying to understand them without actually agreeing with them was the goal.  Now it is considered unacceptable to allowing someone from a differing stance to speak. 

    Or in Murry's words;

    "You don't have to agree with everyone's principle, to respect the principle they're sticking to." 


  14. 6 hours ago, gowlerk said:

    With all this talk of killfiles going on I can only tell you that some people don't make my killfile simply for the same reason train wreck films are popular. I know it's wrong, but I can't look away from the entertainment. Sort of like the reason clowns are popular.

    I'm a First Amendment absolutists, so I disagree with Winsor and the killfile thing. I think there's a lot of history and hidden resentment in Bills motivations and in judgement in being our arbiter.

    But I'll agree with you. Cutting out the jesters tongue,is never a good sign for the court...On the clown subject. I'd suggest Drag Queen story hour be moved to the appropriate venue,Like the Local Seniors Center.LOL 

    2 hours ago, jakee said:


    While he's always had some overly simplistic and reactionary views I am genuinely surprised that Winsor has become the single most toxic contributor here. 

    It's called courage,but you have no idea what that means.I'd be interested in what policies on the left you disagree with,what makes you different from the other sheep in the heard. 

    Like Winsor,I'm a toxic white man, cracker! I'll PM him, tell him to be less toxic, less white.

    forget coka cola I'm rock'n with the bubbly.

  15. 18 hours ago, billvon said:

    Trump has stated he will "terminate" the Constitution.  LOL

    I 'll agree with your premise,removing the First and Second Amendments seems to be right up your ally, relax it just might workout for the totalitarian Left.

  16. 6 hours ago, billvon said:

    Trump has stated he will "terminate" the Constitution.  LOL


    6 hours ago, billvon said:

    I fully endorse killfiling people that cause Winsor (or anyone really) cognitive dissonance.

    With the ability to create media bubbles these days, it can be painful and confusing to hear other opinions.  So killfiling is a great option to prevent intrusion of other points of view into that carefully curated bubble.  (As long as they keep away from banning books, that is.)


  17. Hi there Winsor,

     I was hoping to get your thought on how iatrogenesis may have contributed to what seems like one of the worse medical maltreatment in modern times,in line with the Covid vax and in basic violation of the Nernberg Code. Not quite as brilliant as Heresies let me know what you make of this one.

    Groomer or entrapment just a matter of context. LOL

  18. 23 minutes ago, winsor said:

    Brilliant video.

    These guys cut to the chase.


     The evening is young Sir,

    Bidens rewriting of Title IV seems to have put me in "John the savage" mode.Desantis said"we will not comply", where did I hear that before?

    Samson, what a name. LOL


  19. On 1/27/2024 at 3:17 PM, gowlerk said:

    Very little written by one person in this thread suggests knowledge of English.

    Whoa, Did you get a good spanking from Bill for saying that, I believe the code word is Clueless. LOL


  20. On 3/12/2024 at 9:07 AM, billvon said:

    Right.  Like I said, I haven't heard of any of those being the result of a doctor encouraging the patient to do it.

    The Wpath files were recently released, parental consent itself seems to be in question.

    Mermaid is under investigation,and I believe there are one thousand lawsuits attributed to gender affirming care in the U.K.

    That word "Toxic" came up again, let me know then you find it.

    Sorry Bill just another Dunkelflaute in SoCal.

  21. On 7/10/2021 at 8:31 AM, winsor said:

    Ironically enough, Woke ideology is singularly humorless.  As Gandhi said, "fuck 'em if they can't take a joke."

    I thought you could use a laugh. I agree, soon there won't be any contrarian views allowed. Please do replace IXK  for the Priest of your choice. LOL


  22. 17 minutes ago, winsor said:

    Yeah, I killfiled him long ago after I reached my limit of snark and abuse.  Abysmal SNR.

    Given the tendency for breakthrough, I just skip any AFLAC input.

      Bravo Sir, Being technical deficient would you PM me.

    33 minutes ago, jakee said:

    What's the betting that Winsor won't identify a single thing that makes any current democrat politician worse than Trump?

    Of course he doesn't have anything, he's just going to vote for Trump anyway because he's like Mussolini.

    That's the ticket, and when he wins you'll have to do what Conservatives did for 0bama's second term.Trust in the Constitution. LOL

    Let's come Back from the Future,there's enough Jew hatred to go around right now.

    Let's Go! Genocide Joe.

  23. On 1/27/2024 at 6:23 PM, wmw999 said:

    And anyway, the Spanish and Portuguese were far more exploitative early on of the New World. Wherever Columbus was from, he was sponsored by the Spanish, and so it was a Spanish conquest. 

    Wendy P.

     He was an explorer.His dreams and his greed did compelled him,but regardless of who was flipping the bill,no matter the nation of finance, the exploitation would follow, as a matter of fact. An Oppenheimer's dilemma of sorts.

    "Lies my teacher told me" would be simplistic at best.As would judging a man from the distant past by today's moral standard. I find reading what he wrote, without prejudice  a great looking glass.

    “Let those who are fond of blaming and finding fault while they sit safely at home ask, ‘Why did you not do thus and so?’ I wish they were on this voyage.