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Everything posted by LOSTandCRAZY

  1. Welcome Jason!!!! Although when I skydive, it's also to FORGET about the economy, politics, and anything else I don't want to think about because I'M TOO BUSY THINKING ABOUT SKYDIVING!!!!!! RED DRAGONS! "Get these balls!"
  2. Well, as it appears, due to lack of instructors in the area, I got put off, but ALAS! A ray of light turns in to a rainbow......... Going to the tunnel and AFF bootcamp the week of the 12th! Will be cleared for solo dives (and yes, an AFF grad, meditating for good weather) on 10-12. 20 minutes of tunnel time, and the remainder of AFF in one weekend. Doesn't get any better than that. See you in the sky!!! Blue skies forever!!!!! "Get these balls!"
  3. Skydive to LIVE. LIVE to skydive! "Get these balls!"
  4. Ah, touche, perhaps "domination" was the wrong word to use. "Majority" is a better term.... But either way, it's all about the skydive. "Get these balls!"
  5. I've been working a LOT of overtime for the last two months. Earned enough to finish paying for all of AFF! That was the deal I made w/ the wife, so as not to overspend the monthly budget. My goal is 3-4 jumps every other week, and then, tunnel time to hone the skillz. Should have my "A" by Christmas, that's the goal. And once I get certed to pack (studying THAT rigorously, as well) should start earning enough packing to pay for my fun jumps. Almost like getting your cake, and eating it, too..... "Get these balls!"
  6. I'm 37, and I just started AFF last month, finishing up in a few weeks. I may be 37, but the days I skydive, I feel 20 again, and that's what it's all about. By the way, one of my instructors is female, and she kicks a$$! So don't wory about the male domination thing. For me it's not about guys and girls, it's about skydiving. Rock on! "Get these balls!"
  7. Doing the next three jumps this Saturday, and after my release skydive, I will be buying the beer!!!! Anyone coming to Skydive Virginia! will be welcome to consume after this one!!! "Get these balls!"
  8. Fun Fun Fun!!! Going to have two more under my belt this weekend! After my release skydive, I WILL BE BUYING THE BEER! "Get these balls!"


  10. He's right, I'm on my 5th jump (next weekend, 5 and 6) for AFF, and got my SIM this week. Not only do you need to know the material in the manual to pass the written test for your class "A", but in a sport that's already risky, knowledge through training is the most important mitigating factor in the assessment. I know I'm a newb as well, even newer than you, but that guy gave some sound advice. Buy the book. "Get these balls!"
  11. I was crazy LONG before I started skydiving..... and now I know that there is somewhere I belong. Under canopy! "Get these balls!"
  12. Well, I turned 37 on Saturday, so being technically "middle aged" as it were, I've decided that the next 37 years definately will be filled with skydiving. (Not that it has to end there, but I seriously doubt that walker-jumping will ever look as cool as skysurfing...........) "Get these balls!"
  13. Thanks! Still a LOT to learn..... But, that's what the NEXT 37 years are for. Thanks to Tonee Boan, Clarence McCall, Larry Westby, Jason Whitt, and everyone at Skydive Virginia that I forgot to mention. (Jean-Marie LeGrand, thanks for the video from my FIRST Skydive!) Thanks especially to my family who supports me in all of this. And shouts out to skydivers everywhere. Nice to meet all of you, I look forward to enjoying this sport for many, many years to come! "Get these balls!"
  14. Well, here's my first AFF jump, Catgory A, going for my first release jump on Sat, 9-20-08!!! Filmed at Skydive VIRGINIA! my home DZ. Enjoy the vid! (And add me if you're on MYSPACE) http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=39884154 "Get these balls!"