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Everything posted by skybum2008

  1. ok now am ok whit the camcorder it be cx100 sony and I whant to by a canon g 10 do you reconmande for a beginer like me thank you Quote[email]
  2. how can I get one and how much it is $$$Quote[email]
  3. thank for everyting I need to know what woud be the best for a beginer camera eny king of them average $350 NEW
  4. thank you and what about the caméra i whant to spend $ 300. a canon
  5. i got 780jump and quit for couples of year i whant to comme back in sport as camera men for temdem what is the best camcorder in use now if a cx100 of sony is the one and for the camera which one is good not the best a medium one. Quote[email]