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Posts posted by zoom1

  1. one day two tigers were walking in the jungle.all of a sudden the second tiger reached up and licked the asshole of the first tiger, the first tiger turned around and asked "what the fuck did you do that for? the second tiger replied " i just ate a lawer and wanted to get the taste out of my mouth".

  2. stupid people doing stupid stuff ,kind of like going to a boogie drinking all night then decide to do a mr. bill the next day?like i said in another thread lets limit the air space to 1 person at a time ,mandatory 5k pulls, no canopies smaller then 200,no more boogies that encourage stupid stuff. if we follow every rule to the letter the public (and the sky nazi's)will love us . but really folks if someone is doing something that can hurt only themself who the fuck are we to say something ,its like going to the racetrack and telling people to slow down before someone gets hurt.can you tell me you've never broke any rules? if you're scared that we may look bad to some waffo's, or that someone might get hurt then maybe you shound try bowling nobody get's hurt and everyone loves them(and i know they are strict on rules,i went bowling once and went out to do a couple shots with a friend , i forgot to change out of the goofy shoes the let me rent, HOLY FUCK i thought they were going to kill me)

  3. i dont have enough jumps to feel comtortable after burning or having a drink, and you are right it is a added risk that makes skydiving look bad.lets look at the safety aspect of other added risk . #1- mid air coll. lets limit the air space to 1 jumper at a time,no more added risk. #2-swooping-people die from this added risk lets not do it anymore.#3 heavy wing loading-jumping higher then 1:1 is a added risk ,you dont need to go that fast,a scale at manifest could save lives. #4 boogies- encourages people to do crazy things like raft dives(if you want to play with a raft go to the lake)hoop dives and stuff like that. if we all jump on that safety bandwagon and help with ideas like these skydiving could be as safe as bowling . thanks for your support the public will love us.

  4. i used to smoke a ton of weed when i was younger i burn now when i want to relax after a long day .weed is like whiskey, it effects differnt people differnt ways ,some people drink and are fun and want to love you to death some people get angry and want to kill you (i'm sure everyone knows this type of person ). should you jump high with other people? NO. but if you are doing a solo in clear airspace or a sunset hop and pop at 10 grand and burn one on the way down that is your choice. skydiving is a sport where you push your personal limits and only you know your limits in regard to this.do we want more self rightous sky nazi's telling us we cant smoke or drink or swoop or downsize to soon when the outcome effects only us?

  5. i went sking yesterday at stratton (vt) at the end of the day i went to the bar for a drink (or ten) . i was talking to the guy next to me who seemed real upset ,he told me he is a race instructor for the stratton school and one of his favorate students had died in a sking accident,it was sad he was telling me she was only 15 years old and was on vacation in maine with her family when it happened.we talked not only about the risk of sking and skydiving but the risk of life itself. most of us know someone who died in a car or motorcycle accident and we still drive i lost a close friend in a construction accident and i still go to work .you will die someday ,you can wrap yourself in bubble wrap and wait for it or you can go out and have some fun while you wait. well thats my 2 cents worth have fun

  6. these are not illumination rounds ,lum. rounds are a flame that is rigged to a small chute so it drops slowly. this is w.p. (willy peter) it comes in all kinds of rounds .while at ait to become a 19e(tank crewman) you are taught what ord you can use on personal, w.p. is not to be used on personal, only for smoke or marking for an air strike. w.p. is the worst like someone said you have to dig it out of you or pack it with mud it will keep burning under water as it can use the oxygen in it to keep burning. a thermite grenade is what you use to melt barrels and stuff, it burns hot enough to melt steel, on a tank you put the thermite on the turret over the ammo rack, after a few minites it will melt through the turret and drop on the ammo

  7. if you wrap the meat in thin plastic saran wrap it sticks to the meat and there is no air in contact with the meat ,then wrap in freezer paper and it can last over 2 years without getting freezer-burnt.also don't wash the meat before freezing ,the water will soak into the meat and it will freezer burn quicker. if you have some hair or something else just wipe with a dry paper towel or pull off with your fingers its better to rinse the meat after you defrost it

  8. TBROWN are you related to cheney or rumsfeld. you have the same stupid outlook on the world that they have, its this stupidity that has made bush a failure and a joke in the worlds eye.this problem isnt as easy as black and white and wont go away by "kill em all" or "nuke em". zaki chehab wrote a book "inside hamas" you should read it ,maybe you"ll get an understanding of the other side of the story.DARIUS11 you can get this book at amazon.com i think you'll like it , its a good read, and CHRISTELSABINE dont argue with JOHNRICH dont you understand texas IS the world and they are a smarter race (use bush and cheney as an example)

  9. i eat a lot of the game i trap (what guy hasn't eaten a beaver or two)but i've never eaten coyote. i work with a few older vermonter's and asked them if they ever tried it, one guy said his dad would cook "puppy stew" another said his mom would grind it up with some onions and make burgers.some people say 'gross' i say" dinner time" don't knock it till you try it ,all natural .so how do you eat coyote(or beaver).

  10. trapping is a very good means of keeping coyotes under control.in the states that have outlawed trapping they are having problems not only with coyotes but beavers also.instead of making money off a trapping fee states like mass have to pay road crews to keep unplugging colvert's.its nice to put out about 20 4x4 k-9 traps and catch coyotes that have been killing a farmers livestock.

  11. of course they did slaves and poor farmers who could not afford tobacco would save the female plants (buds) and smoke that. george w was said to like the taste of bud over tobacco and smoked bud instead.( thats washington not bush, from the way bush acts i think he smokes crack)

  12. ive never posted on dz.com before but having the same problem maybe i can help a little (i'm no pro ) .i used to try the standard exit ,left foot on step, right foot trailing,chest on strut push up, down,up and step backwards.if you use your arms to much to push off the strut you will most likely backflip,if you try to lean forward and dont step back far enough you can hit your shoulder on the step. what works best for me is left foot on strut ,right foot trailing, get out as far as you can ,try to be standing almost straight up (not leaning on strut )then just side step and arch ,head back(try to keep looking at plane )you dont need to hop off step its more like moving your left foot off the step to exit .if you backflip try to straighten your legs a little to catch the wind . i was nervous about having to do my hop&pops but when you get this exit down right wou'll love them . this exit is also nice when you do a 2 or 3 way off a c-182 as it gives you a litte extra room as you slide down the hill.hope this helps a litttle like i said im no pro. p.s. take your time and relax, its fun