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Dropzone Reviews posted by charly

  1. I cant believe this dz has good reviews. I only jump here when I have to. first thing is the staff, mainly the owner. Beginners are brushed to one side and the general attitude of the staff is poor. Its not too bad when you get them on a good day.

    I noticed one review mentioned the load time. he's spot on, 9.00am start so why wait until 10.00 for the first load and yes! they do stop early because the staff want a pint WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF US.

    I'm an experienced jumper with over 2000 jumps under my belt. one thing I don't like at langer is the newly qualified jumpers don't get any help or guidance once they've finished their AFF i.e they've had their money. I've personally witnessed a guy with 20 jumps ask for help with leg turns. The instructors response was 'pay for a coach jump and I'll show you' I think that is shocking. WHAT A WAY TO WELCOME PEOPLE TO THIS GREAT SPORT.

    Maybe I'm over reacting. I seem to base my standards on America and New Zealand. The customer service there is second to none. Truly amazing places to jump with no arsey staff.

    I've also noticed that if you search this site for 'unfriendly dropzones' it only finds results for UK dropzones.

    I know I've been moaning but i hate bad customer service. I think with a little effort langar would be great. after all we are paying customers. Would you expect the same service from a hotel?