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  1. some americans view obama as socialist because they don't understand how socialism or obama go about doing things. terms like left and right are relative by nature, and national politics is normative.
  2. that's fair. we can talk about this anytime. i also think the actual problem should be narrowed down. it's a pretty complex situation. as far as jumping goes, it's only a matter of time.
  3. i am, though not in a rush. when i have 100 bucks, i usually don't think to put it away to make a jump. probably because i haven't done one yet. but from what i gather, its quite a community.
  4. TL;DR warning please consider this, because i believe this to be the case: there very well may be moral standards, they just might not be yours. and if this WERE the case, you would never know it unless you searched for truth in every day life by the consequences of yours actions, as well as the people around you... i find it interesting that it's usually some cut in stone moralist who is the first to throw the stone. whether this be taken literal as in the middle east, or figuratively as in the US. your assuming that raising a child in this environment is detrimental, because you have yet to provide yourself with actual information from actual studies. because honestly, bringing a child up in the "norm" has left us with the many obese, misogynistic, materialistic, willingly ignorant, extremist, shallow people that inhabit this place. i find this interesting. benefit is completely contextual, what may be beneficial in one situation is not in another (a key to understanding natural selection). because you yourself cant see the benefit, doesn't mean there isn't one. i also like (in an ironic sort of way, right) how being pro God is reason enough to say something is wrong, without any actual reasons. i kind of wish i could experience life from this perspective, for a day. we aren't wild animals, we aren't struggling to have as many babies as we can to forward the species (i don't speak for everyone). saying that gay couples shouldn't have kids because it doesn't benefit the species and is therefore unnatural is very ignorant of modern life, that we have reached the point of self awareness, even post self awareness. we have learned to make life more than just a struggle to procreate, we can enjoy it thoroughly. this is a forum, the perfect place to discuss these types of matters. which is why i showed up. we can talk all day about what unites us, some people need it more than others. as a country in think this is important, which is why i appreciate some of obama's speaches. he doesn't just splash around knee deep in rhetoric (not to say anything bad about the other candidates, this isn't the place), he brings up some very interesting and insightful points on divides in american culture. i personally want to understand why there are soo many different ideas and reasons to things being right and wrong, when there is only one reality, one truth. what is right and wrong should be concluded from close observations and educated foresight.
  5. the birds and the bees story probably wouldn't have to be told to the kid, or it would sound pretty much the same. and the other hand, she could easily regard sex with a maturity other children are not used to because of their sheltered lives, relatively speaking. there is nothing disgusting about the situation, she still has all her lady parts and she used them. she feels like a man damnit, whats wrong with that?
  6. before i post anything else, i wanted to say hello. i come by here from time to time when my friend tells me about a thread i might be interested in. i don't actually skydive though, haven't even gone once yet. i live in chicago, im 23...