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    skydive utah
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    Wing Suit Flying
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  • USPA Coach
  1. I didn't know a moderator could so openly use this forum as a podium. If it is ok to do that, it seems to be in poor taste. Even if you're not the one who took the pictures, what was your purpose in putting them up? I'm not LDS, but your arguments are laced with a vitrolic bias that is more disrespectful and condescending than persuasive to an audience other than those who already agree with you. Everyone at your own dz disrespects you. Do you know why? Because you stab people in the back for your own gain. You are always ready to put under the bus the people who have helped you the most so you can look good. Everyone but the new jumpers at your dz know you will put anybody down to make yourself feel like a man. You need to earn respect, not buy it or name drop. You essentially bought your pro-rating. You already got rid of Lance because he was on your case. You got rid of Matt Wimmer because he disagreed with you. Alec and Cutter also. Who's next? Who voted for you for Skyidver of the Year? Did you buy this too or did Jack and Debbie just give it to you because you kiss their butt? You've been in the sport for a little over a year, but you have spent more money than most people who have been in the sport for 30 years. Where are you now? You are still not good. Why? There is something wrong. You are not a skydiver. If you hurt someone, you will be over. Everyone is watching you there. People do not accept you as a teacher or someone to help their students because you think you are better than you really are.