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Posts posted by JohnDeere

  1. Quote

    The only thing you've proved is that you can't spell. Apparently you can't even understand dictionary definitions. You might want to look up "Prove", since you keep mis-using it.

    Have a nice day.

    Noun: liar lIu(r)
    A person who has lied or who lies repeatedly

    So how am i mis understanding that definition????

    And i very much understand the definition of prove, cause i have proved you wrong sereral times now.

    To think you are getting schooled by a dumb old redneck that cant spell. Damn and how much did you spend on that education????? I really dont think that it is all your fault. I mean i am sure you where indoctornated by an ignorant liberal proffesor when you were in school.
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  2. Quote

    Typical response when a Rep runs out of valid points to argue. Love it or leave it. McCarthyism is passe.

    Typical response a liberal give when he cant win an argument:S


    I never said you dont pay your fair share, but you ARE complaining about paying your fair share.

    Try reading it again. I am complaning about paying for other peoples share to. I am paying alot more than my fair share.


    Maybe you didnt mind spending your daddys money when you didnt have to pay his taxes now things are different.

    Try again my biological father was nothing more than a drunk piece of shit. I have made more money than my sperm donor since i was a teenager. Once again read this IHAVE NO PROBLEM PAYING MY FAIR SHARE OF TAXES. I just dont want to pay for others FAIR SHARE.
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  3. Quote

    Noun: liar lIu(r)
    A person who has lied or who lies repeatedly
    - prevaricator
    Sounds like: lyre

    Derived forms: liars

    See also: lie[2]

    Type of: beguiler, cheat, cheater, deceiver, slicker, trickster

    Antonym: square shooter

    Encyclopedia: Liar Liar, lunatic, or Lord Liar, Liar

    Try more thn just one source next time:S Just cuase you didnt find it at one place does not mean it is wrong. That is like talking to Al Gore about global warming and not fact checking his lies and taking them for fact..... oh did you do that to?????:|:|:|:|

    What no reply??? You could atleast tell me how bad i spell why i am proving you wrong.
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  4. Noun: liar lIu(r)
    A person who has lied or who lies repeatedly
    - prevaricator
    Sounds like: lyre

    Derived forms: liars

    See also: lie[2]

    Type of: beguiler, cheat, cheater, deceiver, slicker, trickster

    Antonym: square shooter

    Encyclopedia: Liar Liar, lunatic, or Lord Liar, Liar

    Try more thn just one source next time:S Just cuase you didnt find it at one place does not mean it is wrong. That is like talking to Al Gore about global worming and not fact checking his lies and taking them for fact..... oh did you do that to?????:|:|:|:|

    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  5. Quote

    Seems you are wrong yet again.

    Im not wrong. And you imply i was wrong on something else i said to you. What whould that be???
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  6. A lie is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement with the intention to deceive, often with the further intention to maintain a secret or reputation, to protect someone's feelings from getting hurt, or to avoid punishment. To lie is to state something one believes is false with the intention that it be taken for the truth by someone else. A liar is a person who is lying, who has previously lied, or who tends by nature to lie repeatedly
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  7. I said no such, there is a difference between a liar and someone that lies. Liars tend to be more compulsive. I thought someone that was as smart as you would understand that.:S

    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  8. Quote


    Would you like to coment on any subject except spelling????? Or does the proffesor not like to be proved wrong?????

    You haven't proved anything except that you can't spell, your grammar is poor, and you don't understand economics. There's nothing in any of your rants for anyone to disprove.

    And the only thing you have proved is that you can spell and have good grammer. You must be so proud of yourself. :S
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  9. Of course you would be better off, cuase there would be one less person calling you out on your lies.... since you talking about politics.... whats your congress done for us so far??? Now that dems. and Nancy are runnign things????? Or we could talk about global warming????
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  10. Would you like to coment on any subject except spelling????? Or does the proffesor not like to be proved wrong?????
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  11. I dont agree on how they spend the money. And im not just talking inflation There are schools that spend less per student but produse better grades. I will challenge the school either way.
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  12. Quote



    Defanition of BS research........ My point of view............ Any research that is pointless except to benofit the state in which a congress man/woman reprosents. Such as enviromental research. The enviroment is not in danger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quit researching cow farts and car emisions. Tell you what just go back to researching global cooling like you idiots (in the gov. and special interest groups) did in the 80's. Oh did everybody else forget about that???? Im so sorry for bringing it back up. Just search your local pork barrel projects and see what kind of stupid research there are doing with your tax dollars.

    How do you feel about the state of the education system in the US?

    Do you think federal money should be spent to ensure all citizens reach a basic level of reading, writing and mathematics?

    He should certainly be concerned about the state of spelling education.

    I dont care how good i can spell. I dont do bad for myself, spelling has never made me a dollar! Do care to reply to my post????? Or do not like to reply to people that challenge your liberal speech????
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  13. ...that there are still people on here who blame our economic woes on the ignorant liberal professor's that are indoctornating our students. Fixed it.
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  14. The education system is so sad. We spend more per child now than ever. (i have 3 kid's by the way) I think that education should be left up to the states not federal. One of the main education problems today is the lack of parental involvement in kids education. I have no problem challenging what the school is teaching my kids. I also teach my kids, and ask what the school system is teaching them. Im NOT the typical parent that expects the SYSTEM to teach them.
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  15. Considering youre having so much trouble I dont think I want to use your business plan as a template.

    I never said i was not doing good. The fact is im doing great. I just dont like people saying the rich dont pay there fair share of taxes. Maybe you should move to a communist country so you can feal better about yourself and know that the evil rich companys will be regulated. You could have your robin hood dream:S:S:S We only earned it, but we dont desearve it:S:S

    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  16. Quote


    You are missing the point. They cant drill now becuase of all the government BS that is holding them up.... do you not think they would love to get more oil out of the ground at current prices???? Talk to the liberal enviromentalist about the energy regulations..............

    This simply isnt true! Its what makes you comfortable so you have the evil environmentalist to blame but it isnt true, do some research. Not Rush Limbaugh, research. They CAN drill!

    I dont like Rush or Orielly so try agian. So your saying they can drill in Alaska or off shore that easy???? Wrong agian. The enviromentalist are the reason the epa and gov. have such stiff regulations.. I own an eviromental company and invest in oil and gas wells so you may want to find a differant subject to argue about.
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  17. Defanition of BS research........ My point of view............ Any research that is pointless except to benofit the state in which a congress man/woman reprosents. Such as enviromental research. The enviroment is not in danger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quit researching cow farts and car emisions. Tell you what just go back to researching global cooling like you idiots (in the gov. and special interest groups) did in the 80's. Oh did everybody else forget about that???? Im so sorry for bringing it back up. Just search your local pork barrel projects and see what kind of stupid research there are doing with your tax dollars.
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  18. Hopefully they will get it on, but I fear they will drag their feet. Gosh why would they drill now, pump more oil and increase production, that would mean a lower market price, less profit for more work

    You are missing the point. They cant drill now becuase of all the government BS that is holding them up.... do you not think they would love to get more oil out of the ground at current prices???? Talk to the liberal enviromentalist about the energy regulations..............
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  19. Quote

    1. I clearly said it was a flat tax that is paid to big business not to the government, I didnt say anything about a flat tax in the US, and it was a play on words.


    So can you inform me as to which tax big buis. is paid ???


    2. I didnt vote for the last 8 years we have experienced you did, by your own admission.


    If you didnt vote then dont coment on the outcome.


    3. When incorporated, you absolutely can write-off clothes some meals, and other cost for you to operate as expenses, and no-one is cheating anyone its working within the IRS guidelines.


    Only buis. clothes can be writen off (which is very limited). Even Buis meals are only a 50 % write-off, but normal buis.cost are beductiable,but dont act as if all expences are deductable.


    3. How can you "promise" me anything that you pay more than me, you dont know me, what i do, how much I make...


    If you were a small buis. owner and maid GOOD money you would not have the opinion you have, you would KNOW you pay more than your fair share!


    4. I said big business, you said small business, on that we agree. Small business in this country needs help, but you arent getting it from your boys in the White House now.


    Nor am i getting it from your boys in congress!


    Oh, and I doubt you would "school" me in business... :S


    Let me know when you are ready for school!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

  20. Another start whould be to stop spending money on BS research but that is not what you mentioned. You made it very clear what you think of the war.
    Nothing opens like a Deere!

    You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!