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  1. told me everything I needed to know about should try jungle mountains in the wet season S.E.Asia jungle if you want kicks...go to no guns...if you do wild pigs, pythons, tigers leopards elephants cobras. etc. an 8"-10" blade is good enough. I'm just being polite...don't like being addressed with that kind of language by whatever you are...stranger...don't worry...wrote long peace letter and the computer told, was,t worth it,,,climb the clay cliffs, you can usually find a root or a vine then dig in with the blade...please don't hurt the snakes, I like em...specially the cobras....if you want to be so/ya gotta be polite enough to wait til they stand up so they can show their hood cool...rumble with the wild pigs/be well....
  2. no time for the library...does that mean you are unable to read...there are so many..K.Kolw.... Soph.Taube...Gabriella Mu... No last names. If you don't want to be in school to study...Let someone else have the place...(If there has been a family tragedy, I apologize...otherwise sit down and think about what you are doing.) I once taught...Don't know if I'd do it again, and all of my friends who are still professors, people who wanted to help, are demoralized by attitudes like yours. This is a social problem...and it is badly damaging this country. Don't you want to learn ??? Quote[email]