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Posts posted by derrickiv

  1. Definitely one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. Presented the many sides fairly, didn't use the typical stupid warmongering Americans and all Muslims are terrorists stereotypes. Definitely a realistic (based on a true story?) plot.

    I also thought the the intro history segment was a fresh way of presenting that.

    I agree all the actors did a great job, the cinematography and action shots were superb, especially the shoot out in the street.

    Just an overall great movie.

  2. Thanks everyone, I'm going to go ahead and get it. I can finally put in my container order! In the long run, I don't think the $150 will have *that* much of an impact (I hope, if it does, I should probably find a cheaper sport). Maybe it'll even help for resale if I am to ever sell it, all else being equal..

    Also, just to answer an earlier point, reason I'm going with a brand new rig as opposed to used is that cost difference works out too not be that bad for me, and I'd rather have something that I like, than settle for something I mostly like for a bit cheaper. I hope to keep this for quite some time and in the end it should pay for itself.

    Thank you again for the commments!

  3. 'Bout to order a new Wings, and don't really understand how necessary the Spacer Foam is.

    I did a search and I couldn't find much. I find one single poster that thought it wasn't really necessary if you got a custom rig, because it already fit you.

    The foam is $150, while a quilted backpad is only $30. Any suggestions as to which, or if I even need anything at all? I'm guessing it would help resale value if I went with spacer foam and that would be nice.

    Again, thanks for your help.

  4. Thanks! I'll keep trying. I can get it to "pop", but it's like it's still getting caught on the stud, just a bit. I've gotten it open once, had a friend squeeze my hands too and we got it open.

    Scoop, thanks for letting me know that, I'll double check. I think as long as I'm off AFF status I'm allowed to wear one, but it won't hurt me to ask someone at the DZ.

    EDIT: I'm able to open it quite easily now when it is OFF my head..:S

    EDIT2: Persistence pays off.. I've got it now if I squeeze right at the top about 4 inches on either side of stud with my palms and then use my fingers to grip the top of the helmet while rotating it up with my palms.

  5. I just got my Mamba today and can't wait to jump it tomorrow. I've tried practicing to get the lens to open, but it's taking quite a bit of effort, and I really don't think I'm that weak.

    Anyone have tricks to getting it open easier? My palms are killing me. Also, it doesn't look like the stud is exactly centered in the hole up top, it looks slightly offset to one side. Is this "normal"? Do I just need to loosen/tighten one of the allen screws somewhere?

    Thanks for any help or suggestions.