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    Skydive Hawaii
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  1. I just put my Neptune 2 on ebay if you're interested. Starting at $40 no reserve https://www.ebay.com/itm/202390353380?ul_noapp=true
  2. Evan on the left, then Brenden in the back, and that looks like JC?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBYaA6Zws8I&feature=youtube_gdata That shit be tight yo
  4. I'm trying to make my easy job easier...I'm using AutoHotKey and trying to make a script so the left CTRL is copy and the left ALT is paste... My script isn't working though. I made ^::{CTRLDOWN}c{CTRLUP} NOT WORKING. HELP and i need help for the Paste as well
  5. Quit skydiving now!!!!!!!! The taller you are the less stable your going to be. I'm 6'2 and I can't fall stable to save my life. Dude your not the right size to be a skydiver.. Get out while you can
  6. I was born and raised in SD and recently moved to Boulder.... Gotta say the skydiving scene wins in San Diego hands down... And obviously Skydive SD wins for the DZ's out there. I moved to Boulder for something new though. Alot of good boarding and there is still the dz like 30 min away except fuck jumping in the winter... thats for the birds.. There's also the tunnel in Denver about an hour away from boulder.
  7. Here's our perspective of the MOAB Boogie this year.. Awesome group of people out there with equally as awesome of views http://vimeo.com/6856690
  8. http://www.pauldavidson.net/2007/01/30/a-few-brief-thoughts-on-why-i-would-never-want-to-be-a-parachute-packer/ _____ A Few Brief Thoughts on Why I Would Never Want To Be a Parachute Packer January 30th, 2007 There’s bad jobs, and then there’s bad jobs. Yet when faced with a slew of bad jobs that range from porta-potty cleaner to tollbooth taker to late shift urinal serviceman to bottle-capper — it seems that I have recently unearthed what I believe to be the worst job on the face of the Earth. A job that, when you really get down to it, has zero perks or positive aspects to it whatsoever. That job? Being a parachute packer. While you can find positives in some jobs, like the quiet time you have to yourself or the fact that some really boring jobs allow you the time to slowly get your real dreams in order, the job of actually just packing parachutes in preparation of people jumping out of planes has got to be devoid of positives. Some people, of course, will tell you that individuals who possess the ability and skill to fold cloth into really small spaces (think “flag folders” and “napkin folder waiters”) might really enjoy the repetitive job of folding, securing and zipping up parachutes at a local airfield somewhere in middle America. But while flag folders reap the benefits of seeing said folded flags grace funerals and patriotic events… And while napkin folders see diners’ faces light up when they catch errant crumbs of food with said folded napkin… And while cruise ship workers, skilled in the art of making your towel look like a goose, then putting your sunglasses on said goose so when you come back to your cabin you freak out, giggle in their cabins knowing just what they’ve done to disrupt your evening…the parachute packer is a lonely, thankless, potentially tragic job. Here. Take a look. I’ve done the math. * I pack your chute really well and you take it, not knowing I packed it in the first place. I’m some faceless parachute packer and all you care about is that your chute opens. Which it does. Which doesn’t do me any good whatsoever. Parachute packer gets screwed in this scenario. * I pack your chute really well and you take it up, jump out of the plane, and the chute doesn’t open — and then I’m just the stupid parachute packer who didn’t pack your parachute correctly, and I potentially may even be indicted in some huge murder trial or insurance payout scam. Parachute packer gets screwed in this scenario. * I pack your parachute, but since I’m fed up with not being recognized for my skilled-packing, I bring you the pack and when I hand it to you I tell you that I packed it personally for you. Which makes you nervous. Which makes you think I’m either crazy or hitting on you, which could be construed as sexual harrassment — which may very well get me fired. Parachute packer gets screwed in this scenario. * I pack your chute quietly. I don’t talk to you at all. I just pack pack pack pack and then go sit in my little office in the back with the TV that has no cable — just an antenna. I also probably end up having to label those damn videos of you people jumping out of planes so when you get back down you have something to remember your entire experience by — which of course was all the result of my superior parachute packing. Parachute packer gets screwed in this scenario. In the beginning, and in the end for that matter — the parachute packer never gets notoriety (unless it’s bad), never gets attention (unless it’s bad) and never gets any positive “good job” verbal reinforcements from any of the clients because being a parachute packer means you’re better when you’re quiet, you don’t cause any problems, and you just pack pack pack those parachutes like a robotic automaton. That’s why I would never want to be a parachute packer. I just hope you understand.
  9. I just want to contribute by saying Filarsky is a dumb dumb.... DT
  10. Can anyone get to it? What the fuck is going on
  11. RIGHT!?!?!? I am surprised you made it. That car looks like a piece of shit!!!! Who is that you went with, that guys a badass
  12. So im leaving for costa rica in a week. I'm going by myself for 2 weeks and basically wanna travel the coast. Anyone have any input on where to go? where not to go? etc. Im thinking i should spend most of my time on the pacific coast.