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Posts posted by skygypsie

  1. This just out right pisses me off >:(

    Evidently, this is the newest in youth crime sprees across urban & suburbia USA...shooting hoops >:(

    A neighbor recently complained to the boys in blue, about disturbing the peace & disorderly conduct, because the sounds of kids laughing (..." after a long quiet winter"... yah, those were her words), & the sounds of bouncing a basketball, shooting hoops in THEIR driveway...irritated her ! >:(

    The young boys were asked to keep it down, so they didn't have to be cited [:/]

    It was 5:00 pm. on a Friday night !

    I suppose they were just getting their calisthenics in, before a night of home invasions & carjacking ;)

    Our amendment rights are being they'll demand our land, homes, kids, business, yadayada ...oh yea, that's called taxes :$

    A recent bill is up for passing to tax the mileage we put on our cars :S

    Too much power to the system, & not enough rights upheld by the (We The People) Government >:(

    Question: the lying chick in the gray sweats & professional 'up do'...newest in law enforcement uniforms...or was she working undercover ? :P

  2. Just date a 45-50yr olds and you wont have a problem with them wanting kids...:P


    Not a bad most recent dating relationship was an excellent example !

    Within a month after dating, he stated he wanted neither marriage, nor kids !

    I've been married before & have 2 grown sons, plus grandkids !

    He's only 2 months older then my oldest son, & 7 years older then my youngest !

    We both like being able to pick up & go, without worries of pre-arrangements or stresses back home !

    Everything was great for 4 years...
    so much so, we were married 9 months ago ;)

    He's an excellent husband, 'dad' & grandpa; taking on the sole role, as my son's father died...

    He loves, & is loved as if they were his own :)

  3. Dude... Lying in any degree = total lack of respect [:/]

    If even just in dating with, or without anticipation of a relationship, or any kind of long term feel you have to be less than totally honest...??? :S

    Having kids ever...or if starting over again raising a little tyke, is an issue ?

    Of course, you have the right, not to want to !

    Having a baby is not an entitlement to any man, woman, or couple...

    However, having 2 mutually responsible & cohesive an entitlement EVERY child deserves ;)

    If it's a deal breaker with her, or you apease her by saying let's do it...then resentment from you, is a risk [:/]

    No doubt...As much as I love children myself, a couple really needs to think beyond sharing a bundle of joy...given current & futuristic economic situations & every other decrepid system that seems to be hovering indefinitely, amongst us !

    Just put on your best game face & be HONEST B|

  4. My deepest sympathy & condolences to you & your family, Mark !

    Your tender vigilance with your Mom, is so touching & no doubt gave her comfort !

    Your grief will subside in time...your memories & thoughts of her...will never fade !

    A Mother is with her children for eternity :) do sound like a great gal !

    ~ Blessings to you all ~

  5. @ " sofa skydiver"...

    How did Couch Freaks get it's name, anyway ?

    Is it because 2nd hand couches are essential elements of every DZ hangar; while waiting out weather holds, your load to be called...

    or due to the occassional couch jump ?

    I know it's also known as Dollar Daze, but don't think I ever questioned it's Couch Freaks tag, til now !

    No matter, we look forward to it each year :)

  6. They are wonderful in helping families understand the dying process, which in turn brings comfort to the families & the patients in their care !

    They're guidance through the dying process of a loved one, makes the loss a bit more bearable !

    They are why I enrolled in Nursing school shortly after my Mom's death, & during non jump season, work primarily with the elderly & dying, due to gratitude & thanks !

  7. Though I really don't think it's the time to share a personal story, I also thought to share our similar situation that may comfort a bit !

    A few years ago, when we were told my Mom would be passing soon, we brought her home & each of her 6 daughters took turns staying with her, while 3 siblings returned from out of state.

    She was in & out of consciousness, at 1st, but then slipped into a comatose state.

    We had her hospital bed in the living room, & though she was declining, she continued to fight, as she would gasp out for air.

    I sat next to her to talk to her, as Hospice affirmed she was listening...I told her "(she) was the best mother, wife & grandmother & if (she) was tired, it was ok to go, now...we'd be ok ! God is waiting for you & so is Dad".

    Tears started down her cheek, so we all gathered around her bed to say The Lord's Prayer.

    Shortly after, she gasped & went into her peaceful sleep.

    Sometimes, those we've counted on & love so much, need to know it's ok... to move on !

    My prayers continue to go out.

  8. Our brindle boxer- pitbull mix was also a rescue dog !

    She's an excellent dog, though she has a bit of seperation anxiety, even after all this time.

    Her name at the time of her rescue was BooBoo.

    Since she was born on Halloween & considering she is a DZ dog, & Daddy & Mommy are Skydivers, she was renamed Voodoo ! B|

    "Daddy" aka. Brad, custom made her boxing robe :)

  9. You never'd you & your gal do in the run ?

    I can't imagine what it would be like to be there !

    Bittersweet & overwhelming I suppose for some... given the religious biblical history, & centuries of worn torn uprisal :S

    Enjoy your vacation & time with the little lady...obviously you got the bach pad cleaned up in time ;)

  10. She's a good kid. She is not habitually late. Mostly late coming home from work, but she usually calls if she has time.

    I have checked on her to see if she is where she is supposed to.

    I let it slide - but she got a good talking to.

    I trust her.

    My favorite response & best suggestion, yet. :)
    Instilling & receiving trust goes a long way, especially with all the stress youth, teens & adults are up against ! ;)

    You're an excellent dad, & she's a receptive daughter, who'll do well because of's evident :)

  11. She's 54 , he's 36 !

    She was 50, he 32 when they met !

    She was previously married, he was never married !

    She is college educated & was a Nurse with grown kids & grandkids !

    He is also college educated & joined her in the the love for her sons & their families!

    He's a multi-rated skydiving instructor, pro rated, I/A, and A&P !

    She joined him in his love for skydiving, personally & professionally, gave up Nursing & has been a fulltime DZ packer, since !

    He treats her with more respect then any man has !
    She treats him like a King !

    She brings a lot to the table & is self reliant, as does he !

    They share all assests & contribute independently !
    Neither expect any more or less from the other then what they have to offer, each other !

    They maintain their own & understand each other's independence, with respect & compatibility !

    She has knowledge of how to take care of her man, while understanding his:
    " boys will be boys & need for their toys" !

    He knows how to keep her secure & protected !

    They were married a year ago !
    Obviously, it works for them !

    You assume to know...but clearly not :P

  12. Hey, no worries...;)

    That happened to me almost 40 years ago...:$

    things are much different with teen's these days [:/]

    I'm so glad you started this's nice to have a good laugh...the reply's & post's of days gone by are hysterical...sorry it's a current event for you !

    Just know any soon-to-be future gray hairs, heartburn and/ or anxiety issues are well earned & are in direct cause & affect of your teenager's years

    :):(:PB|:$:S>:(:o:D[:/]:|:ph34r:B|:)>:(...all at the same time !

    Did I already mention, I'm glad I had sons ?
    Best wishes to you !

  13. Does she have a cell phone ?

    Biggie on the past curfew forgiveness...if there's a legitimate reason along with a phone call !

    If is just a test to see how long she'll be able to stretch it each time !

    If she is late, wait up til she gets home !

    If you don't nip it now...pretty soon she'll have customized her new curfew!

    Trying to act on any tardiness thereafter, will be challenged by: ,

    " you didn't ground me last time "
    or the...
    "you didn't say anything last time "

    After my son moved out on his own, I discovered a very straight line, neatly cut along his screen window framework !

    It explains why the cranked out window was ajar at times during the winter...he said because he was hot, sleeping [:/]

    He's now 29, & is still telling me things I had no clue about :o

    If you can't stay up...make sure you check the basement window latches !

    That was my sister's & my...IN, when we were late, & locked out; knowing we otherwise, had to ring the doorbell to get in !

    However; when we were late, the house was dark, & the door was UNlocked...we could expect to see the cherry of a lit cigarette sitting at the kitchen table !

    When there were 2 lit up was inevitable I was in for a good month of scrubbing walls, painting the house & solitude confinement :S

    Boy, I'm glad I had SONS !;)
    Re: @ Twardo
    It depends, was she a little late because it was a long sermon at mass...or did she stroll in at daybreak smelling of cheap whiskey with a joint behind her ear, a new tattoo and her jeans in a ball under her arm?

    ...AND notice if her shirt was on backwards,

    obviously I didn't , but my Mom did [:/]

  14. That's exactly what my brother says !

    He is a former Marine & Viet Nam Vet, returning home in '74.

    He has continued to "protect & serve" as a Detective & Sheriff's Dept' Deputy & Sgt.; in a nearby county, since :S

  15. Stress of the times, affects of war, or wayward
    morality was evident to our fairly decent city, early yesterday...just blocks from our home !

    In a police response, a veteran of the Gulf War opened fire on the Fond du Lac City Police Officers & responding SWAT team...killing a 28 year old Officer who was an Army Veteran, having served 5 years in Iraq & Afghanistan.

    Another young officer & his K9 were also critically
    injured before the shooter, turned the gun on

    My heart & prayers goes out to the families & friends
    of the Officers.

    I also find I'm having a bit of sympathy for the shooter...:|

    I'll never understand suicide, nor why a suicidal kills others 1st, but I also have to wonder what triggers an accomplished individual like this ?!

    I can't help but realize the irony of "one of our former troop's"... kills another... "former troop" !

    The comradery they would have shared; if they had served together during war time -v- life & times back in the States, as civilians !

    Crazy evil SOB, or affects of war ? [:/]:S:(>:(