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Everything posted by daniel52587

  1. I just completed my AFF, so now I have to rent gear. Could you guys please recommend me some good altimeters, flight suits, and helmets. I really like the full face helmet. But I want one that allows the best field of view. Also I would like to know whether the visor can come off. I ask because I may take off the visor on nice warm days and just put on some oakley's so I can feel the wind in my face. But please give me some advice.
  2. Ok, so I graduated my AFF training. I also did 1 solo dive which was great. I did like 10 front flips exiting the plane. Now I have to start renting gear. I need to get some equipment so it will be less expensive to rent. Could you guys please recommend me some altimeters, flight suits, and a good helmet. Now I really like the look of the full face helmets. I want one with the best field of fiew. I have to see. Also, I would like one where the visor comes on and off. I may wear sunglasses instead, that is why. Please help me out. Thanks.
  3. Wow. That sucks. I feel for you. I would go insane.
  4. Oh man. It is pretty cold here in Texas. I know, I know. You can call me a wimp, but we dont like the cold here in Texas, nor are we used to it. Anyway, after I made my jumps I couldnt feel my fingers at all. I could barely take my rig off. It is worth every bit of it though. A small price to pay.
  5. I feel you. But I have to say that I learned a lot while on the ground which made me better in the air. So I guess it was meant to happen. I cant wait to go back out this weekend so I can pass my AFF.
  6. Sweet dude. I cant wait until I get my license. I will have it soon. Congratulations.
  7. After my first solo, I am going to move on to SDU jumps. I want to get all my training in now so I dont forget anything. I cant wait until AFF 7. I want to learn Deltas so bad.
  8. Well, I am movin on up the AFF course quite nicely now. I had to repeat 2 and 3 but, I did my level 4 flawlessly. It was like something clicked in me. When the instructor let me go to do my 360s I somehow figured it out. It was so easy. I was relaxed and doing 360s one after the other with no trouble at all. I had complete control. I believe since I was relaxed I was able to think clearly and figure it out (the mechanics of skydiving that is). Exit was perfect too. Now that I have pretty much jumped without assistance, and kept control, I have truly fallen in love with it now, I will never stop. I cant wait to go back this weekend.
  9. The closest ones to you are in Denver, Orlando, and Arizona. Are you serious? Oh well, Im sure I will succeed without it.
  10. Ill see if there is a wind tunnel around. If I dont get it within my next jump day(which will hopefully be this weekend if weather is good) Ill ask about it.
  11. I have poor leg positioning too. I will pull my legs up unknowingly. I am getting better at thinking during freefall. I tend to let instinct take over and dont really think, are my legs up too much. Once I become completely relaxed and familiar with it I am sure Ill do much better.
  12. I passed AFF 1. I had to repeat 2 because of a shaky exit and I kept my legs up. Now I have to repeat level 3 because When they let up their grip I spun. I kept my legs up as well. And worst of all, I forgot to count on exit. I can believe I forgot to count. I also lose my arch when I pull. Is is normal to have a little trouble and repeat levels? I hope it is because I dont want to feel like I suck at skydiving, I really like it. Did any of you experienced jumpers have to repeat any AFF levels?
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpS63BgBHXs Copy/paste it. I hope I can fly a wingsuit that good in a few years when I become much more experienced.
  14. Nice I am in somewhat of a same situation. I totaled my car so of course I now have to buy a new one. I am going to get a cheap car so I can still afford to go skydiving.
  15. Yeah I am very much the same. Ill talk about it and how cool it is, and how amazing it is all day. They think I am crazy for jumping out of an airplane, but they just don't understand.
  16. I have only jumped 3 times, still in AFF. But man do I truly love it. I cant wait until they reopen on the 5th (stupid holidays, j/k, well sort of). Not many things make me truly happy on the inside like skydiving. Ive been sad for so long, but while I am in the air I am truly happy. But I go back to the sadness when I am back on the ground. This may sound stupid but how much do you guys love Skydiving?
  17. Yeah I have already fallen in love with it. There is just nothing that can compare to that feeling. You know. Hell I have a hard time waiting for the next flight up. I was so calm my first jump, like I knew this was going to be my lifetime hobby and that this was me. I dont know how to explain it. I really do love it.
  18. Man, I feel really bad for you. My heart really does bleed for you. I dont really dig the cold weather. I like it here in the south.
  19. Man, I like the holidays and everything but damn I want to go jump. I have to wait until at least the 6th of Jan 07 until my DZ reopens. It is all I can think about, Im having withdrawls from the awesomeness of skydiving I cant wait. How about you guys?
  20. Oh man! Actually, I made 3 jumps in one day. I went on to AFF level 3. Man is it truly amazing. I took my position in the door and felt that wind in my face. I was relatively calm and serious since I knew that this is not just a roller coaster ride. I checked in and out with my instructors and jumped. Jumping was the most amazing feeling I have ever felt in my whole life. Holy crap. I just cant even describe it with words. Right when I felt acceleration to the earth I screamed YEAH in joy and excitement. So then I got to work with my COA's and my PPT's. Then I pulled the pilot chute and it was a much more gentle of a tug than I anticipated. Everything was cool just floating down with no sound but the wind. Like music in my ears. The view is also incredible. Now this is where things get kind of crappy. (still fun none the less). I was coming down the downwind leg. (I left my holding area about 300-500 feet late. So I didnt get to my base leg. So here I am heading downwind, I flared but still slammed the ground and rolled. Got back up unharmed thankfully. Now, I am very....very....addicted. I jumped 2 more times that day. I screwed the exit on my 2nd jump and we tumbled a bit but we recovered well. Good landing. I flared a little too high so when I landed I kneeled a lttle. But stand up landing none the less. 3rd jump was near perfect. My exit was a little flat and we almost tumbled, but it was all good. Did my COA's and PPT's and leg extensions. PERFECT landing. I landed like a feather. I thought the landing would be hard, but after the first botched landing I knew what I did wrong and knew what to expect, it is actually really easy. I love skydiving. I cant see my life without it now. I am going to go every weekend, any chance I have. I have finally found a hobby that I have fallen in love with. It is so great. I could go on forever with how in love I am with skydiving and how great it is. But Im sure all of you already know.
  21. You know Ernie? From Skydive Dallas? He is a really cool guy. Im glad he is my teacher. He has lots of experience in the sport. Man I am so excited. I ask him everything, but I dont get to go out there until Friday so I just thought I would get to talk to experienced divers on the forums. But could you please tell me if landing is as easy as it looks. Ernie said it isnt hard. I just want to know how you or someone else did on your first few landings. And is steering the canopy easy too.
  22. I cant wait until Im through with training and get my own gear. Congratulations.
  23. Well Friday is the start of my lifetime skydive/base experience. I am so excited. I am 19 by the way. I am doing my AFF level 1 jump and level 2 if there is time in the day at Skydive Dallas. I feel pretty confident about the landing and such. Is landing a breeze? My teacher said its not hard. What are some quality parachute brands? This is going to be my hobby for the rest of my life and I wanna know everything.