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Posts posted by jtnesbitt

  1. Nice. You must have also been standing near my mentor Jim who got the vid on his cell phone. The video quality sucks but the audio commentary is priceless.


    Yeah some woman "working" started screaming at my gf to leave the area right after I hit the tree. She had no idea if i was hurt or not. I dont know what her problem was. She also yelled at us for skipping the line in front of group 4 even though we were group 3. Oh well. Hey, since you were there, who was it that was telling everyone i was cutting my lines? I had actually pulled my cutaway handle and had half the canopy out of the tree before the rescue team even showed up. The guys in the boat were freaking out telling me to quit moving until they got a rope on me. :P

    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  2. So I am a liar?

    One doesnt have to visit this specific board to know that trolling happens on EVERY internet forum.

    At any rate I dont really care. I just thought I would throw that out there in an attempt to stop a thread drift, but whatever, have fun with it.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  3. I can assure you Davo is real and not a troll. Most of the time he is too busy jumping so he doesnt visit this site often and wasnt familiar with the ongoing brand war threads.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  4. No, camera went splash about 2 seconds before the tree. I really just wanna see the part where i rolled over at 6.5 seconds, saw the river, and shit my pants.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  5. Quote


    do you need a base rig for bridge day to jump ?

    Only if you are actually jumping the bridge on bridge day, which is for pussies.

    I'll PCA you off the bridge any other day of the year, and you can bring whatever rig you want.

    Speaking of pussies, anyone that takes a PCA or SL above 250ft needs their man card revoked. Besides, that Bridge is made for getting down and dirty. Anyone PCA'd from it is just given entirely too much time to fook up under canopy.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  6. I dont care if it gets the impact, it's the 6.5-7 seconds of freefall before it got ripped off my head that I am really wanting :P
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  7. Long story short my cx100 came off my head and took a plunge into the New River this weekend. It was recovered before it sank and i now have it back. If i can get the camera working again...awesome. However my main goal is to just retrieve the video from that day. I was recording to the hard drive. I pulled off the battery, pulled off the lens, opened up every slot and set it in front of the hair dryer for two hours. (Dont freak out, it was 3 feet away, the air was not blowing directly on it, and it was on the low no heat setting with me checking every 5 min to make sure the air wasnt getting warm.)

    I have received several suggestions for drying it out, but my main goal is just retrieving the video. Any thoughts?
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  8. Dear Conor,



    Cincy BASE
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  9. It was my CX100. I'm honestly more bummed about losing the video than I am the camera. I've been babying it and trying to dry it out so we will see what happens.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  10. Well...unfortunately my camera helmet went splash on my low pull jump, but i'm puttin something together with the other angles.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  11. ...was awesome again this year!

    Can't wait until next year.

    Cincy BASE!
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  12. I know I like to make fun of you but...

    nice back flying man. For the sit, try and "sit up" more. Chin up chest out, be proud is what my coach used to tell me, it will help keep your legs under you and get you off your ass.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  13. Quote




    First, remember that the comment that started this was by someone who had issues with a particular DZ.
    Second, he's posting anonamously.
    Third, he obviously has no background or knowledge as an Instructor to make such a claim, especially when the situation he was refering to sounded a lot like one brake not released rather than a spinning malfunction.
    Last, as a coach-E and an I-E, I would never recommend (well, almost never I suppose) using the phrase cut-away on the radio.

    I will go ahead and tell you that I know him and he is very experienced and has all instructor ratings. He is also a rigger. I am saying nothing either way but letting you know the facts because your assumptions are wrong.

    It's not about the ratings, it's about the attitude and the knowledge. It you let attitude overrule knowledge (assuming something here, ratings don't mean knowledge. I know an "I" with 30 years experience who still teaches the "stick out an arm and push" technique when teaching students to turn)

    Fair enough but you stated he was not an "I" or you assumed he was not so I was just letting you know that that conclusion was incorrect. I am not weighing in on what you are saying nor am I arguing with you. I am simply letting you know is is very experienced and has been a instructor for a long time. I am also not saying that means anything. I do not need to defend Stratos ... he can do that just fine on his own.

    Thanks for confirming what we all suspected. Stratostar and dbcooperfan are one in the same. Which is quite amusing since he was arguing and replying to himself in other threads. How pathetic.

    Also, the assumption he had no instructors experience was made based on stratostar/dbcooperfan's comments, so regardless of his ratings, he has no business near students based on what he has said across this clusterfuck of threads.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  14. I made a base jump 12 days after mine but waited a little longer for skydiving. I had LASEK though not LASIK so i didnt have the flap.

    PM peregrinrose. She is an eye dr and has LOTS of great info on the matter.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  15. Quote

    If you made this decision with gear made by "my company", guess what?
    I'd sue you for using it "outside manufacturers recommended use" and the legal agreement entered into for the use of said gear.
    How many lawsuits do we need before we do the right thing?

    Thats fine and dandy, and in your example it would be both a business and a legal issue.

    Unfortunately it has nothing to do with this case as there are no manufacturer recommendations when it comes to age for solo gear. We are NOT talking about tandems here.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  16. Quote

    No way in hell would I ever allow my business' liability be managed by a dropzone looking to make a few hundred dollars. Were I a manufacturer in the industry with something to lose.
    Seems like a legal issue to me.

    The fact that you can in fact make that decision means its a business issue. If the legal system made the decision for you it would be a legal issue. Any activity in business is subject to legal liability, you cant use that as a standard.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  17. Quote

    This was interesting. I don't really know if it will be taken seriously because of the name of the website.:D

    I bet those work.

    We have to take a country road along the river to get to one of our local jumping objects. The speed limit is 55 but everyone speeds. One house has 3 fake deer that look incredibly real placed about 6 feet away from the road, and they are positioned so that they look like they are getting ready to cross. They even have their heads pointed in one direction of the road. I know it's fake but every now and then my foot still shoots over to the brake petal. The FIRST time i saw it I really slammed on the brakes.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  18. Thats a loaded question, so here is the loaded answer you are seeking.

    I would choose the 18 year old because they *might* be more mature.

    They might also not be more mature. What if one is a guy and one is a girl? At that age women mature faster.

    Now, lets unload the question. In the real world you dont have to choose one or the other, you can teach both. In the situation where you can teach both is there really much of a difference?
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  19. Quote

    I have never hid the fact that I don't like Start and how the do business. And as you said "everyone knows" it. So theres no mystery there? Also, most of you know who I am so no need to go down that road.

    This thread is about if minors should be jumping. Please stay on subject or it will get locked. ;)

    This poor girl is going to have to live with two broken femurs, a broken pelvis, and a broken jaw for the rest of her life. It was her choice and her parents let her do it. I just don't think the risk is worth putting newbies (under the 18) is worth that chance. IMO

    If you want to keep the thread about minors and skydiving, then please do that. You are the one that keeps bringing up the dropzone. In fact, if someone looks at your fake profile, EVERY post you have made bashes Start. Oh no, i dont just mean the two threads you have started, i literally mean every post.

    And no, not everyone knows who you are. if they did then there would be no need for your anonymous profile. Take your own advice and "grow some hair on your beanbag"

    As far as living with these injuries for the rest of her life? Are you serious? You do realize people heal right? Others have suggested numerous times you quit playing lawyer, I am also going to suggest you quit playing doctor since you obviously have no idea what you are talking about there either.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  20. Oh, now I am sad. They have the Royal Gorge listed as number 3. I was so pumped to jump off that at the GoFast Games this year and the canceled it :(
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

  21. Quote

    Generally speaking, that is the rule at Skydive City.
    Wingsuit lands off? They walk back.
    No excuse for landing off in a wingsuit.
    I've done it once.

    I was wondering when someone was going to bring this point up.
    "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero