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Posts posted by cjsgrlsx3

  1. Ok, you can do better then that! Post another pic, you're a much better looking guy then that! And I'm not saying that disrespectfully! Here's one of the whole family on vacation!

  2. This was actually the hardest post on DZ.com I have read and should have stopped before I read any of the comments.

    I am a mother of a BiPolar child and if my child was ever treated like this just because she was emotionally unstable sometimes I would be sitting in jail right now. I would never sign anything that allowed someone else to dicipline my child anyway.

    Like Autistic children BiPolar children respond to the same treatments offered to them; positive rewards. I use the same reward system for my BiPolar child as I do my non-BiPolar child. And it certainly is NOT electric shock treatment.


    First of all, how could anyone think that the way you treat an autistic child would be the same as the way you treat a very emotionally troubled child (not that this is "treatment" anyway)...and the idea that you essentially hold the threat of being tasered 24hrs.a day over them might have an effect on a troubled kid, but not to an autistic one who has diminished mental capacity to start with. It's apples and oranges.


    (I'm not trying to get into a pissing contest with anyone)
    But I am just curious, do you mean to say that it is OK for a BiPolar child or a child who is emotionally unstable?

    Can you imagine the anger you would feel if you did something that someone else thought was wrong and punished you in this manner. The only thing that is taught to these children is fear!

  3. A Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. It will clean all the ink out of the dryer without having to add chemicals to it that will smell when the dryer is turned on again. Too bad it won't work to get the stains out of those T-Shirts.

  4. OMG! I worried about this very thing this weekend. I actually asked the people that I jumped with, that I had never jumped with, if they minded that I had only had 30 jumps. They said no and actually toned things down a little just to suit me. I thought it was great to be up there with some of the freefliers when the jump did not go as planned. But everyone I jumped with was understanding and after we landed I never felt like I "wasted" their jump! It was a great feeling. I have actually thought about doing a 5000' H&P soon also. Thanks for this post. You have put into words alot of what I was feeling.

  5. There is no rush to get your "A". Do some of your jumps a few times. Do a couple jumps a day and don't wait three weeks before you jump. My coach almost had to push me out of the plane for my 3500' hop n pop. Take it easy and do the hop n pop when you are ready. I am actually thinking of doing another one soon!

  6. The reference of newbie just means (to me) that I can be taught something. I kind of like it. I am truely a newbie and probrably will be for the rest of my skydiving days and that is OK with me. Even the guys and girls up at West Point (I have only done one jump there) made me feel welcome!