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Dropzone Reviews posted by pashakiev

  1. This is my home DZ, and I go there every week. for about 1.5 years now. DZ gets lots of tandems in summer, but not once have I been "bumped from the load" or heard of anyone being bumped. As far as I can tell DZ is ran with good ethics and has very professional staff.

    Read some bitching here about "dusty and long ride to the loading/area" and "bad vibe for jumpers" - BS. The ride is a con for the DZ, but not even worth mentioning. And "The Vibe" depends only on us (skydivers) as the DZ / Staff is VERY "jumper friendly".

    Great / timely Rigging Services A+
    VERY professional staff, that has no trouble "leveling" with new jumpers and explaining "stuff".

    A+++ Mile-Hi.

  2. Thank you very much guys,
    The place is awesome, Aircraft rocks!
    Bar right @ the DZ is very nice, ... I don't think you need much advertisement, so thank you once again.

    Truly sorry about your loss. :(

    Blue Skies.