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Posts posted by iluvtofly

  1. This is probably the world's unluckiest skydiving bear.

    (Sorry if this is a repost. I saw it and just had to put it up.)

  2. Thank you very much for the link. I got it to turn off. Now as to the $40 I owe you. I'll give it to you next time I see you. And seeing as how I have no idea who you are or where your jump it may be a while. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

  3. First, about the pictures, the person above is right. the airstream is what pulls the pin. That is the entire point of the PC. It is to grab the air and pull the bridal which then pulls out the pin.

    Now, onto gear. As a newbie myself I'm not about to give advice as to which rig is right for you. As was stated earlier everyone has their own opinion. It is very regional as to what is popular where. At my home DZ pretty much everyone has a vector or infinity. However, today I went to a different DZ in a different part of the country and it looked to me as if most people had a mirage. You will see alot more voodoo's out west than you will here in the east (from what I've seen and been told). It's all about what bells and whistles you want on it and what price you want to pay. I agree that you should get a paragear catalog (can be gotten from That will inform you as to what a majority of your choices are. Talk to people at your DZ. Get their opinions. Just remember, THEY ARE OPINIONS ONLY!. No one rig is perfect for everyone. Once again, as stated earlier, not everyone loves Fords. Just do lots of research and ask lots of questions. Do a search on the forums for rigs that you are thinking of as possiblities. That's what I did, and now I'm just waiting to get my rig in so I can start using it. Also, don't be afraid to buy used. They're just as good as brand new (in most cases). Just be sure that you have a rigger that you know and trust inspect them before you purchase them.

    Remember, I'm just a newbie giving advice based on what I just recently went through in buying my own gear. Read what everyone has to say and make your choice based on that. You will get hundreds of different opinions, the hard part is decided whos opinion you are going to listen too.

  4. Hey folks. Just used my new solo altimeter today. Only problem is, I can't remember how to turn it off. I'm out of town and forgot to bring the manual with me. Can anyone help? Thanks

  5. Thank you so much for starting this thread. I had the same question about the backlight. Now for a new question. How do you turn the backlight off? I tried doing the same thing to turn it on but that doesn't work.

  6. When I go to watch something on youtube is as soon as it starts playing i hit pause. Once the red line reaches the other side that means that it's completely loaded and then I play it.

  7. Well, I'm here in northwestern Pennsylvania. Normally at this time of year we would have at least a foot of snow and it would be below zero on a normal basis. However, it's been in the 40s and not a spec of snow. But, it's been either incredibly overcast or really windy. I haven't jumped since right after Thanksgiving. I'm starting to go nuts with the want to go jumping. I'm hoping to jump this weekend at the Farm while in Atlanta visiting my parents. How do you cope with the extended down time from jumping? I could really use some suggestions before I start jumping off my roof. ;););)

  8. I voted C mostly because that's what I wish I had. And I'm not the flat chested person wishing she was bigger. I'm the bigger chested person wishing she were smaller. Coming from someone with size F boobs (yes men, a completely natural F) bigger is not always better. They get in the way, I can't find any cute shirts that fit, and they cause horrible back problems. And I'm not even that huge of a girl so they just look huge.

  9. Quote

    ok..getting back to the thread topic...the other person that asked this didnt get an answer. I start AFF next saturday....would it be safe and not frowned upon if i brought a case to the dz and put it int he fridge till after the last load?

    As discussed earlier in this thread, that is considered to be bad luck. Prebuying beer is like counting your chickens before they hatch. If the beer dist. is closed by time your done for the day then just bring one the next time you go to the DZ.

  10. I would say Z1. I have one myself and love it. Plus they can withstand alot. About a month ago, a girl at my DZ jumped her Z1. She didn't bother to tighten any of the straps on it though so it was incredibly loose. Well, she pulled and when the risers came past her head they pulled the helmet off. It fell from 4000 feet into the trees below. She was still on coach jumps and the coach she was with was pretty sure he saw where it landed. So later on in the day a bunch of us went searching in the woods to try and find the pieces of her helmet. Well, I found the helmet and it was in perfect condition. A couple of scuffs from where it hit trees on the way down but no other damage. The visor was flipped up (we're guess from impact with a tree branch) but not damage to the visor. In my opinion, a helmet that can fall from 4000 feet with no damage is a damn good helmet.

  11. Merry Christmas to you and thank you for defending our country. My husband is actually in Iraq right now so I understand how hard it is to be separated from your loved ones.