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Posts posted by fastphil

  1. I was at a couple of mid-seventies turkey meets. The Herd is the rowdy ones that come to mind but I don’t remember the hand. I do remember 101 ten man teams, the ethanol milk jug cannon, hay bale bonfires, a semi-truck racing thru the DZ camping area, canopy collision with bounce off the packing shed, high wind reserve landing rescues (ground dragging and tree), round canopy CRW, bounces and then memory starts to fade at the big N2O bottles, so it could be just my memory…

  2. Quote

    - Also just to add (well as it stands right now), I fully intend on skydiving again one day when the kids have flown the nest.


    Nothing derogatory toward you personally...

    But I don't understand that line of thought, yes I understand the desire to be there for the young ones.

    But it's almost like you're saying it's more acceptable if your lights go out after some arbitrary point in time, following the off-spring having the capability of paying their own bills...then it is to cash the chips in tonight.

    I always figured the whole game is a roll of the dice.

    I mean, what's to say when your gettin' the mail tomorrow morning... you won't get hit by a bus full of drunken nuns that are breast-feeding blind orphaned chimpanzees?

    It could happen! :)

    Does THAT mean you're not gonna get the mail until the kids get their MBA's and have some resumes out?

    I understand all the usual arguments/excuses...'priorities' - 'risk management' ect. but there is ALSO a thing called 'quality of life', and if I ever had though even for a moment that raising children would automatically mean I couldn't experience as much of MY life the way that makes me happy...well then I wouldn't have 3 grand kids already! :D

    I guess 'if' I were desperately looking for an excuse not to skydive now...I could blame it on wanting to 'be around' until the kids kids have some kids. :S

    Your REAL life is what's whizzin' by, while you're dreaming about your IDEAL life...

    Now IF you'll please excuse me....I gotta go get the mail.:ph34r:

    I've been out to check the mailbox three times since I read this today.

    I don't understand how mixed couples (jumper/non-jumper) work anyway. I was lucky enough to meet and marry at the DZ.

  3. The importance and relevancy of the “D” is all in the perception, needs and requirements of current members of USPA, not with some strict definition of the term “license”. Night jumps are an historical and traditional part of the sport, rewarding to accomplish and a good method to sharpen organizational and performance skills. Like them or not, they are part of your sport.

    The number one reason I ever had for making a night jump was the NWSCR, the women just seemed at their best after dark. I stole this pic from Wendy, that’s me lurking ninth.

  4. I had one; free packed it for many hundreds of quick, reliable openings. Even made BASE jumps with it (Look at some of Phil Smith's early BASE jumps; you'll see him on one).

    I would recommend not landing conservative, it needs speed for a good flare. I liked to hook a low turn with the front riser from a downwind run to pick up speed coming into landing. The canopy is very responsive to front riser corrections, but will lose altitude accordingly. I weighed about 165 in that lifetime...

  5. Only once that I remember; a DC-3 and we never got over about 500 feet when the pilot told us he was going around and back down. I looked out to the right hand engine and it was smoking a little, then I looked left and that one was feathered, glanced out at the tree tops then moved forward and sat down. This was at Z-Hills Turkey Meet about '76 or '77.

    I did occasionally ride right seat in the Otter my brother used to fly; we would almost stay with the freefallers on the drop and always land before the canopies. Those were cool landings...