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Gear Reviews posted by Miami

  1. The FF2 is hands down the best side mount camera helmet I have ever had the please of using. It is light, well balanced, comfy, and you don't have to worry about all those snag points. With the camera box integrated into the helmet there is very little you have to do to get it ready to jump, and there is no hassle of having to drill on your helmet to get a box on there. I highly recommend this to anyone interested in getting a side mount camera helmet.

  2. These canopies open like a dream...great for those who fly with cameras. I am jumping a pair of 78's loaded at about 2.9 at a dz 5500ft above sea level and have had very little problem shutting them down on landing. For those who are ready to make the move to crossbraced but do not want the twitchy inconsistent openings of a 27 cell canopy I would highly recommend this canopy.

  3. These guys are great. Their product performs perfectly and they have customer service that is unparalleled. Once you get a pro-track you will have your audible for the rest of your jumping career. I tend to be rough on my gear, and have broken two pro-tracks, but both times L&B sent me a new one with no questions asked.

  4. I currently jump 2 Racers and have owned 4 since I started jumping. These rigs are incredibly comfortable and light. Most of the negative comments about these rigs come from people who have never inspected or jumped one. Good customer service as well. Can't go wrong with a racer.