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    Aversi (Denmark)
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  1. Thx Bill, that sadly makes sense
  2. It's on the way down, the way up is no problem - we actually jump from a 182 :-) It's the way down that's the problem
  3. I have read a bunch of threads before posting, but sadly I didn't find anything of use. I need someway to make sure I don't get the fast preassure change, not just popping my ears, etc. It's been 6 months now, and I still can't hear over 4khZ, most likely, I never will again. I only got any hearing back, thanks to an agressive steroid treatment. My specialist doesn't know anything about skydiving gear, and I was hoping there was some magic solution :-)
  4. I seem to have very sensitive ears, since I got hit with a nasty case of sudden deafness, after a few skydives. At first, I lost all hearing on one ear, but now I have some of it back (up to 4kHz). Because of this, I have not dared to skydive again. But I really miss it (after only 5 AFF-jumps, I am hooked) - so I was wondering, does anyone manufacture preasure helmets of some kind, so I don't get the quick preassure-change on my head/ears, or will I have to give up skydiving for good.
  5. Congratz ! I did my first AFF jump a few weeks ago, and I can still remember that incredible feeling.. About landing, I suck at that too, I managed to hit the right field, but flared WAY to high. That god student canopies are huge, it didn't stall before like a meter above gound, so I just got a hard landing, nothing broken or sprained :-)