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Posts posted by SmilingPhoenix

  1. You have earned a place in heaven on earth! So let us know how we can help you celebrate! Where can we ship the beer!

    You rock! Glad you are safe!
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  2. Quote

    I had really really really bad senioritis this semester... and they can mail me my diploma for all I care.

    Kris! I am ashamed of you! [:/] OK, not really! But still, you made it this far, don't let us distract you from your goal. Then again, I do love to spend time with you on the weekends - so, letus know if we can help you with the classes so you can get your diploma AND skydive!
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  3. Quote

    Good girls go to Heaven, bad girls go to Amsterdam ;)

    I thought bad girls went to the Pony. Or is it the Good girls that do that?
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  4. Quote

    Mine are indoor cats.

    Talk to your vet. I've heard that indoor pets don't need as many shots since they aren't in contact with other animals and I am of the mind that the fewer shots they have to get, the better - hey, if I don't like needles, why would they?

    As for the annual exams, just because you don't take care of yourself doesn't mean your pets should suffer :P
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  5. Quote


    Whatcha working on cold fusion or zero point energy?

    I could tell you but I'd have to kill you... :P

    cold fusion... dammit see now I'm gonna have to kill you... >:(:P

    Is it just me, or does cold fusion remind anyone else of Real Genius? Now that was a good flick! So, are you Chris, Mitch, or Lazlo? Sometimes when I get going I feel way too much like Jordan, you know I just have so much to do and I try to get it all done at once and then I realize, hey, I can be doing these ten other things, so I start them and then I feel like I have to keep going until they are all done, but I find ten more things to do in the midst of it and ... yeah, very Jordan...
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  6. If you have the money, Mac is the way to go, but if you are looking for something less expensive - I vote HP. mine has this QuickPlay thing that boots your DVD drive WITHOUT loading windows and it just ROCKS! It doubles the battery life and it boots in a flash. Send me a PM if you need help configuring something, I bet I can find you a good deal. It can be confusing if you haven't bought one in a while, but I have gotten 3 new HP laptops in the past year.
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  7. Quote

    Well what are ya waiting for, hook a brotha up;) I'm newly single and have nothing but free time! Next time come over and say hi.

    Uh, based on your weekend jump numbers, I'm thinking deaf or not, you are doing just fine. ;)
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  8. Quote


    Got my A license. Wahoo!

    Congrats on the license! Welcome!!!

    As for me B|:0:0
    Weather was too bad for jumping... but I think the divorce counts for a big ole hump that I have gotten over! It's just too bad I couldn't celebrate it with a fun jup with my friends [:/]
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  9. Quote


    It's been deleted - damnit!

    Use Tims link, Hookit

    Thanks Squeak! I'm a dork... it's a deleted scene.. maybe if I gave my compter a second to load... doh! :S
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  10. Wow, you are an even more incredible woman than I realized - to have a job like yours, I would go insane. Thank you for being there to help the kids when their parents won't. Just remember, karma happens and there are a lot more of us who bring the pets to the vet sooner than we bring ourselves to the doctor - when they can't speak for themselves it is better to be safe than sorry.

    Peace girl!
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  11. Quote

    The nice part is that our internal users come in every once in a while and say, "wouldn't it be cool if?"

    So - no, when it is done, it is done - until the next revision.:P

    That must be why the software I use at work is v5.2.1, us users just want more and more and more - so needy! :S:)
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  12. Well we should all have fun on our birthday, it's very nice of you to go cheer her up. Give her some love from those of us who can't be there!
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  13. I'd say you probably are a dork, but that's probably why we like you B|
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  14. Quote



    So, you're saying not to pick up anyone at the DZ?

    Not at Your OWN Dropzone. Never Shit where you Eat!!

    Only sleep with Jumpers from OTHER dropzones.:S:D:D
    Preferably out of state DZ`s.

    So, would the fact that I'll be in Dublin for the St Patricks Day boogie the March qualify?


    Uh, according to your profile you're in Wisconsin, last time I checked that isn't in Texas :S :D - but I'm sure the Texans are working on fixing that :P
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  15. You suck. ;)

    You're just pissed I didn't list you as one of the guys I like to flirt with out here, so you had to bring my humiliating, drunken post to the top of the list... :o

    That's the last time I drunk dial you :P

    Just remember, you'll always be my first! :D Ah, the life of a tandem instructor B|
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  16. Quote

    I'll be on a bus to go skiing in Crusted Butt Colorado reply]

    Brian, from anyone else I would think they were making up the name of the town - but from you, man, what the hell made you pick that place for your annual trip?

    You kids have fun! See you soon!

    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  17. Quote

    Fortunetly, he doen't look like his dad:).

    I don't know, they do have the same hair :D
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  18. Sounds great, but I don't know how I would have time to go hunting at 2pm :S
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

  19. Have you ever tried bacon and cheese? Sounds weird, but there's a smokehouse nearby that makes them and now that I've had them - screw the fruit, I want Bacon!
    Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!