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Posts posted by mgoldade

  1. I gave it up once for a woman, NEVER AGAIN!
    I need to ind a cool chick who jumps! No other woman will do!
    2K Composites Dealer
    TonySuits Dealer
    Larsen & Brusgaard Dealer
    CSPA C, Coach 1, Rigger A, Instructor A, Tandem Videographer / Photographer, EJR

  2. Ok, here it is:
    Sorry about the file size. It's a bit big. This is the best compression I could get. Again, Sheldon is intentionally packing these mal's. Enjoy the video.
    2K Composites Dealer
    TonySuits Dealer
    Larsen & Brusgaard Dealer
    CSPA C, Coach 1, Rigger A, Instructor A, Tandem Videographer / Photographer, EJR

  3. oops, the file was too big. I'll have to find another way to post it. Suggestions?
    2K Composites Dealer
    TonySuits Dealer
    Larsen & Brusgaard Dealer
    CSPA C, Coach 1, Rigger A, Instructor A, Tandem Videographer / Photographer, EJR

  4. Ok, got the video saved to AVI. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS UNLESS YOU ARE AN EXPERT SKYDIVER!!! This was filmed with a cam mounted on the belly above the tertiary reserve. Opening was high with a packed line-over. The lines were actually sewed into the canopy to ensure it would not clear itself. The jumper who performed this is very experienced. The purpose of this is to create a training video for students. Out of respect, please do not distribute this openly. Donations for the repacks can be sent to Sheldon at Pacific Skydivers
    More great video to come.
    2K Composites Dealer
    TonySuits Dealer
    Larsen & Brusgaard Dealer
    CSPA C, Coach 1, Rigger A, Instructor A, Tandem Videographer / Photographer, EJR

  5. What a topic! I bet I got everyone's attention with this one. ;) Well, It holds true for me. Hi, I'm Marcus and I first jumped in Morden, MB in 1995. I had 2 great instructors, and fell in love with the sport. Unfortunately I fell in love with someone else. Anyways to make a long story short, 1996 was my last jump.
    So... Here we are in 2006. I filed for the big "D" in feb. In May I did my first IAD jump in 10 years. Man, it never really loses that feeling! I have met a great bunch of people here at the Pacific Skydiver's Dropzone in Pitt Meadown, BC. Everyone has been great, and very helpful sofar. Anyways, after a week or so, I started inquiring about used gear. Low and behold I got some. I picked up a Sidewinder with a Sabre 170 and a Raven 180. Complete with a Cypres1. I sent the Cypres away last week for it's 8 year. I have also got everything else I need (jumpsuit, fraphat, alti, etc.) It feels so good to be back with a vengence! Why the hell did I ever give this up in the first place??? I have been at the DZ EVERY weekend since I made my decision. Still haven't been able to jump my own gear yet, but I get the Cypres back around the 26th. Looking forward to getting some coach jumps done and getting my "A" license. Glad to be part of the "Family" again!!!
    2K Composites Dealer
    TonySuits Dealer
    Larsen & Brusgaard Dealer
    CSPA C, Coach 1, Rigger A, Instructor A, Tandem Videographer / Photographer, EJR

  6. For those of you who are looking for some great training materials, Rob told me about this site. It is:
    2K Composites Dealer
    TonySuits Dealer
    Larsen & Brusgaard Dealer
    CSPA C, Coach 1, Rigger A, Instructor A, Tandem Videographer / Photographer, EJR

  7. Ok, first of all, I'm not new to the sport, but only have 24 jumps. I did my PFF course in 1995 and gave it up for marriage. Damn I'm glad I cut away the wife for a parachute! LOL
    I'm back in the sport with a vengence! I did my first jump in 10 years in the last week of May and have been at the DZ every week since. I have since bought a full rig with accessories. I was christened back into the sport by a wonderful group at Pacific Skydiving and did a King air freefly last night at 16500!
    I nailed my first sit-fly and it felt amazing!

    But to the reason for my post. One of the instructors at the DZ is doing some amazing work! He is intentionally packing MAL's! Last week, he packed a line-over and jumped it. It cleared itself and he still cut away with a tershciary. Well, last night, Sheldon jumped the same MAL. But this time he sewed the lines in place. He had a cam mounted on his chest and a cameraman flying beside him. He opened to a perfect MAL! Almost half the canopy was collapsed. From the ground, you could see he was in trouble! Little did we know. His canopy was half inflated, but it met one of the requirements... "Is it flyable?". It was. It was not until he released the brakes that all hell broke loose. This thing got a mind of it's own! It whipped him every way but loose. And he actually got scared. He dumped high, so he was able to cut high! When he cut, he was not stable at all. I believe he said he saw the deployment through his legs. Well, to make a long story short, he got to the ground wired! Riding front risers on his reserve for a swoop. lol We talked later and wondered if a student would be prepared. Is it flyable???? It was until he released the brakes...
    The guy who jumped the mal is Sheldon. Props to him and his cameraman for the video. It turned out amazing! If you want a copy, I'm sure it will be available soon with many more mal's. In the meantime, any thoughts on the students experiencing this type of mal? Watching the video of him getting whipped around like that was surreal. Is this something that should maybe be brought up in teh first jump course? If it flies straight??? But half the cells are collapsed???
    2K Composites Dealer
    TonySuits Dealer
    Larsen & Brusgaard Dealer
    CSPA C, Coach 1, Rigger A, Instructor A, Tandem Videographer / Photographer, EJR

  8. I am looking for a copy of the "Sport Camopies" article used at most DZ's. I read the copy at my DZ and found it useful for training. The rigger told me it was from either a New Zealand or Aussie DZ site. Does anyone have a copy? I am studying for my "A" license and would really appreciate a copy.
    S-11966 CSPA
    Sabre 170
    Raven 180
    2K Composites Dealer
    TonySuits Dealer
    Larsen & Brusgaard Dealer
    CSPA C, Coach 1, Rigger A, Instructor A, Tandem Videographer / Photographer, EJR