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Posts posted by rickanderson

  1. Quote

    I spoke to a dealer this weekend, via new pricing structure he gets everything except for velo's and ka's cheaper.

    ha,ha,ha, if this is true then we know why PD increased prices, because they CAN! Im glad I dont need new gear

    I have a question fopr somebody-if PD doesnt want trunk dealers they why do they let them be dealers?

  2. Quote

    I always thought women hated that word. I can't believe that one actually typed it!!

    Sunny typed the word "cock' too in another message! At foirst it was a "thingy"! They can say anything hear.

  3. Quote

    I spend enough time inspecting all components of the system to assure myself that the complete system is airworthy. That can be 3 or 4 hours on some rigs but never less then 2 hours.

    I hope you mean a rig you have never seen before? Would you do this for your customer if you packed it the last time and know that they always take care of there gear and had no bad landings and no reserve rides?

  4. so did this stuff actually happen? your message is not too clear but maybe that is for a reason

    by the way I dont think it matters weather it is a USPA drop zone, there can be good or bad drop zones of any type.

    I dont think drinking before jumpoing is good, a tandem student almost puked on me in the airplane, I bet the TM liked that!

  5. Quote

    The reality is that myself and many other jumpers don't like the other KC DZ's silly rules & politics and we won't give them our money. I'll go to this new DZ, and see what their vibe is and if I don't like their vibe or their rules, I won't go back. Chances are others won't either. If the new place is better than the other KC DZ's - then guess what? Competition rules and come what may to the other DZ's. How hard does it have to be to understand this? We vote with our wallets.

    I have been reading this stuff about the KC area for a week now and I still haven't figured out what is so bad about the existing KC DZs? What kind of silly rules are you talking about? It seems like most DZO people make rules for safety reasons And what kind of politics are we talking here? Stuff like the usual bad mouthing other jumpers or what? I guess Im glad I don't live in Kansas