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  1. Best thing I've ever seen. I'll take one of the brother's rip off prints, meself. Way to make me laugh for at least five minutes straight! Ah, I needed that.
  2. That's the cutest thing I've ever seen! I totally saved it.
  3. Awesome Cave of Swallows BASE footage in the opening of the caves Planet Earth episode tonight. Discovery Channel guys seem to have a great respect for the sport. Or at least how gorgeous it is to watch, anyway. Don't have a link to footage or anything, sorry.
  4. Brother, human beings have a long and obnoxious history of sucking at life. Suprise! P.S. Art, writing, philosophy, even the non-sporting adrenaline shit's got smug floating around. Politics especially. And hybrid cars. That's why I bought myself a gasmask and a HAZMAT suit. Full-body protection against the worst shitty people can throw at ya. But really, when you're soaring--not listening to folks squabble on the ground--it's worth it, right? You wouldn't fly if it weren't. Or fall with style, depending on the sport.
  5. Brother, you got my age wrong. Now I'm soooo offended! Well, I think I'd be more offended if you didn't still think the bit was, life would be that much if you were all protective and shit. I can see it now..."you can't date my sister unless you've got the balls to jump off this trampoline, 80 feet in the air. Oh, ignore those rocks--the ropes usually catch us before we hit them." Yeah, I wanted to make an account there just so i could say that BASE jumping was less destructive than sitting on your ass all day, every day playing mind numbing video games that microwave your brain into oatmeal (without any brown sugar. Yuck). But then I realised that many of them can only pretend to fly while their eyes glazed from a glowing computer screen. Poor them.
  6. annibal


    Yes, yes, I agree. I do want to make a jump, brother, but I would first like to know everything about the system...what to do, how it works, all of it.
  7. Dear lord, I read some of the replies...and those people really piss me off! They pretend to know why people do's just so ridiculous. I don't BASE jump, but I can understand why people do. Adrenalin junkies? Sure, maybe there are some BASE jumpers that are that. But I've never met one. Perhaps I don't have any more right to say why people BASE jump than those at that forum, as I have never truly experienced it...but at least I'm attempting to understand it. Argh, I hate people. They suck soooo badly. Now I'm in a pissy mood. Must go to Moab and replenish my love of the world! Yay for FRASCA.
  8. annibal


    And it is confirmed that I'll be going out there, bro. Friday until Sunday! I'm so excited--haven't seen the system in action in almost two years...this year has been too long. Forty two days left.
  9. Sure, that would be fine. Pff, suicidal tendancies. If you guys wanted to commit suicide with your jumping you would be failing quite badly at it.
  10. I didn't misunderstand--I wasn't perceiving it as an attack, no worries. I am not serious about jumping. I get my kicks just being a spectator. I don't think I could jump; I'm a pansy-ass dreamer, not a doer! Hence the tandem joke. I just get sarcastic at inappropriate moments. I blame it on having Calvin as an older sibling.
  11. And maybe if one doesn't posses a grasp of the english language they shouldn't speak. All I was implying was that I would need to be taught that. I know how to rappel, just not on the FRASCA system.
  12. Hehe, it would be a funny'd need a good exit point though. It's hard to synch two people jumping whilst strapped together.
  13. I am? What about that pesky lil fear of heights I've got? But I would love to...ah, can't I rope jump tandem? I just keep imagining myself finishing the pendulum, actual jump went fine, then biffing the actual get to th ground part. That's the part I would fuck up.
  14. It's an essay for a Philosophy Course. And thanks for catching that typo...I haven't had the chance to edit this yet.
  15. So could I be one of those special cases that can jump with no experience, brother? You could even put arrows on the rocks telling me which way to jump. It would be an adventure. (And Coe wouldn't jerry rig a harness for me out of the extra ropes this time).