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  • Home DZ
    Skydive New England
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  1. YAY! lookin' good _________________________________________
  2. I AM! _________________________________________
  3. hah yeah that is funny Im just interester in it not trying to make a million bucks I just want a job that I dont HATE going to every day and just to be happy. even if that does mean I have to spend a shit load of money to get there _________________________________________
  4. I found a skydiving school in New Zealand (through this site actually) http://www.skydiving.co.nz/ it says you can get a career in commercial skydiving I was interested but wanted to know if anybody else knew anything about it? thanks _________________________________________
  5. Im getting sick of all this rain/ice we've been getting...what ever happened to winter? _________________________________________
  6. Who are the rabid fans you speak of? Any famous tunnel flyers I should be aware of? I thought the tunnel wasn't supposed to be operating till approximately April Oh. It's just the metal fans, not the human fans. Hurry up, will ya! I think she means the walls are going up soon... I saw the build site today! and there are beams in...Im guessing they're to support the floor. Im excited! cant wait to get in there! _________________________________________
  7. so I was just curious, since there's a new wind tunnel being built an hour away from where I live... what percent of skydivers use wind tunnels? what is the average time a skydiver has in a tunnel? what tunnels do you guys go to? _________________________________________
  8. yeah I noticed from my frist jump to my second jump that I could breathe easier. The first jump my mouth was open and I was laughing the entire way down (except I couldnt really inhale or exhale very easily) because I loved it so much. the second jump I closed my mouth and breathed through my nose. I wasnt scared but just REALLY excited to do it again. last time my instructor kept pulling my head back. Why do they do that? I did notice it made the wind go up my nose so I could breathe better. Is that why? _________________________________________
  9. Ive only got 2 jumps under me but I enjoyed them so much Im going to get my license this summer. when I was falling I was having a little difficulty breathing. Is there anything I can do about this...? should I look into getting a helmet with a face shield for training? I just dont want to freak out in the air because I cant breath. any thoughts? _________________________________________
  10. yeah Im not going to get anything for a while. at least halfway through training. Im saving all of my $ now for when the season opens up in mid/end April. I'll have enough saved for my license/training by then. Im determined. plus I'll have no idea what to buy (what will suit me best) so Im going to put that up to my instructors to help me out with that. they will know better than I will thats for sure. hah. _________________________________________
  11. I was just wondering when you guys buy your own gear what do people usually get first? the little things? or...? -Lisa _________________________________________
  12. DAMN! if that doesnt scare the shit out of you I dont know what would. haha glad to see you're still in the sport. didnt let a little canopy failure scare ya. _________________________________________
  13. speaking of learning here's a question for you guys... my friends are having a debate back and fourth weather or not you have a reserve if you jump tandem. so they ask me and I was just like....I dunno? so is there or isnt there? _________________________________________
  14. Hey everybody Im new to the sport...2 tandems under me as of now. waiting for the season to open. getting my license this summer at Skydive New England this spring/summer. anybody jump there? _________________________________________