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Posts posted by mmytacism

  1. Paul, sorry, I missed your post at first. Thanks for the warning. I was a bit confused on Sunday because, as far as I knew, the other DZs in the area were all operating--and I couldn't refund my money; I had to reschedule with Pennridge.

    Can I make an advance appointment with CK without paying over the phone? Pennridge already withdrew almost $300 from my bank account (a tandem and a video, since it'll be my first jump), and I can't really afford to spend another $300 right now. But I'd like to reserve a backup jump if Pennridge falls through again, because I'm so eager to skydive (it's all I can think about!).

    I think I'll call CK, explain my situation and see if I can make a backup reservation just in case. Hopefully the staff there will be understanding, especially if I promise to make my next several jumps there. Thanks!

  2. Sorry, I meant 1-800-Skyride, not 1-800-Skydive.

    I did contact Pennridge directly, at 610-366-1033 (the number listed at and The $75 cancelation fee applies if I cancel within 7 days of the appointment.

    I'll give it a try, if Pennridge is a legitimate DZ. Thanks for the info!

  3. Quote

    Pennridge is a real DZ, and the winds were high last Sunday. CK had tandems going up and 500 jump limit for pretty much the entire day. It's very common to be grounded due to weather.

    If you don't want to eat the $75 cancellation fee, I would at least call Penridge and find out if they will honor your Skyride certificate. There is a chance they may not.
    You should also try to contact your credit card company to see if you can cancel purchase due to shaddy practices of Skyride.
    Hate to support Skyride, but I know people that jump at Pennridge and its a fine DZ, as is CK.

    PS. I don't think it should be an issue yet, but if the weather stays crappy for a couple more weeks, the DZ may close for season. CK is open year round.

    Thanks for the info, Superman. We didn't actually call 1-800-Skyride--we called the number listed at I was just becoming skeptical because of all the posts suggesting that Pennridge/Skydive Philadelphia was a member of 1-800-Skydive.

  4. Hi,

    My best friend and I (both from the Philadelphia area) have finally decided to pursue our first (tandem) skydives and, last week, reserved an appointment with "Skydive Philadelphia" in Perkasie, Pa. We were supposed to jump last Sunday, but we received a call last minute explaining that the winds were too high for skydiving. So--we rescheduled for this coming Sunday, same time, same place.

    It wasn't until we'd already handed over our credit card numbers that I read some of the messages on this forum about the 1-800-Skyride scam, of which Pennridge/Skydive Philadelphia was supposedly a part. Should we be worried about making our first jump in Perkasie? Has anyone ever gone skydiving there before? Are the instructors experienced/well-certified, or would we be better off eating the $75 cancelation fee and jumping at Cross Keys/Freefall Adventures in NJ?

    Any advice would be welcome. We've wanted to become skydivers for longer than we can remember
    and would love for the first experience to be a memorable (in a positive way!) one.

    Thanks so much,