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Posts posted by Hawkins121

  1. ;) : 2 : 0

    Went back to the dz i did my first aff... I'm still waiting on my rig so I jumped old javelins that reserve pin covers that flap all over the place......

    2nd jump was supposed to be a sunset dive ended up being a night jump :S

  2. Quote

    That's how online dating is man. You just have to pursue lots of potentials to find a good one. Just set em up for coffee first so you can bail out early in this situation and you're only out a 5 dollar bill.;) I know exactly what you're talking about.


    you are my hero man.....

  3. Quote

    I didn't do my homework concerning this woman as I really haven't been looking to get into anything serious here. Plus in many respects it's no big deal as I didn't go into the evening with very high expectations. I know we never had much in terms of sparks when I was in CO, but you're an angel Kara compared to this nightmare I just met.


  4. Quote


    Just think . . . no trolls, no alter-egos, no flamethrowers hidden behind anonymity.

    I would love to change that aspect .

    I am pretty much fairly laid back and like to have fun in person....just like here

    BUT in person when some nozzle insults me to my face I have a far more interesting reaction for them than when they are sitting behind their little keyboards acting like a little weasel.:o

    Hey! I resemble this remark!

  5. Quote


    If I see a guy still wearing his hat during the national anthem I will remove it for him.

    For your own health and safety, I wouldn't suggest doing that to the Marines in question. ;)

    While in uniform you are supposed to keep your cover on. I didnt mean those guys.

  6. Quote




    There are folks on here with whom I would consider enjoying carnal pleasure, but never a troll.:|

    I agree - I am not a Troll Fucker.

    Turtle you are the KING of trolls so in a sense, you are a troll fucker!


    I do go fuck myself.:o

    That is true - :P

    I am not a troll - I just play one on DZ.COM.

    I'm confused so i'm going out for the evening... Stay gay all. :):ph34r:

  7. Quote

    :D Damn, I'm getting myself into trouble left and right here!

    I'll admit it... I had sex with monkey and turtle... Once at the same time.. But I promised never to mention that again due to the mishap with Turtle's genetals and fryer grease.

    Needless to say now I only have sex with Monky

  8. Quote


    Its ok.. I enjoy the PA's made against me.... I ask the mods not to punish the people attacking me. Let them... As long as I can respond of course. I probably will anyway. :ph34r:

    OOh really?

    You dickless, monkey fucking, turtle banging, cocksucker with a face like a dog! Goddamn mother fuckin titty suckin one balled bitch! You gotta ping pong pussy and a rubber dick!
    Oh and you have bad breath.

    Hehe...can't believe I still remember those from when I was a kid.

    I will admit to everything except the mother fucking part... It was my uncle.

    lmfao @ turtle banging

  9. Quote

    It's amazing that you are getting away with your nasty PAs...amazing.

    Relax, take a deep breath...others are allowed opinions too, right?

    Its ok.. I enjoy the PA's made against me.... I ask the mods not to punish the people attacking me. Let them... As long as I can respond of course. I probably will anyway. :ph34r:

  10. Quote


    I think you should make a big deal out of it and curse me wildly. Then you should drive to my house and shoot me three times in the chest with a 12 gauge. Then you should put the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger...

    I think that is the only logical course of action for a "Your mother" comment.

    Doesn't that require re-loading? Too much work.

    Ok, heard this on the radio today:

    Your mama is so fat that when she dances at a concert, the entire band skips!

    that depends how good of a shot you are.

    lmfao! and I thought the days of good "your mama" jokes had faded away.

  11. Quote

    Hey! You changed that from "when it's in these pot bellied pigs"!

    Unfair play. I demand a do over.

    lol! I changed it twice... It was a knee jerk "Your mom" joke and I thought it would get me in trouble with mr von so I changed it to about me making love to pot bellied pigs (Which is true)

    but someone quoted me before I could edit the post so I had to change it back to my origional mother post.

  12. I think you should make a big deal out of it and curse me wildly. Then you should drive to my house and shoot me three times in the chest with a 12 gauge. Then you should put the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger...

    I think that is the only logical course of action for a "Your mother" comment.