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Posts posted by virgigirlie

  1. It's all there in the beginning.

    The old guy wants someone to shine his shoes and is asking how much the young guy would charge to do so.
    They young guy says something along the lines of, "Didn't you hear what I said?"
    The old guy says, "Yeah, you offered to shine them."
    The young guy says, "No, I asked why a black guy's always gotta be shinin' shoes."
    The old guy says, "It doesn't have to be you. It could be a Chinaman; what, you think I'm racist?" (I can't tell whether or not that's sarcastic.)

    Misunderstanding mixed with some old-school racism and a situation that went way farther than it should have because neither man would quit yakking. (Who the fuck says "Chinaman"?) :S

    He is a pretty strong old guy.

    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  2. I'm from Michigan and we're definitely used to snow here, but i still hate it. It's cold, it's icy, it's slushy, you can't see the road/car in front of you, you have to clean off/dig out your car, people don't know how to drive (but that's all the time!). For months on end. Even when it's not actually snowing it's still cold as fuck. I've lived here my whole 28 years and I don't hate it any less just because it's normal for the area. Winter and snow suck ass.

    I can't wait to move to a warmer climate. Hoping for CA (or Oregon or Utah...) in the next few years.

    Edited to add: But at least the whole area doesn't shut down when it snows. It sucks going to work, but I can go to the store, etc. and the roads are usually kept somewhat driveable (sp?).
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  3. The best thing about translations: you get to advertise that your product is designed to "Shrink cunt." :D

    Love it!

    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  4. Quote

    I seriously Doubt it!

    A few years ago my camera bag was stolen at the grocery store, (liek a dumb ass I turned my back on the cart)Stupid, stupid, stupid) anyway, I asled of they woudl review the footage, they "Claimed" none of the camera's we working, because they were new and no hooked up yet, (turned out to be BULLSHIT) Well, my credit card was in the bag too, (stupid stupid stupid) so I gto on the phone and started tracing where it was going, 64 dollars worth of gas, bought at a station, thta refused to let me see th etape, OR freeze them for the police, 3200.00 spent at Circuit city, I counted 16 camera's that he HAD to be in front of, and not to mention the salesman that gots the commition, Claimed he didn;t remember the sale (3 hours later?>:() I asked them to pull their tapes and hold them for the police....They refused, so I called the police, and was told by Detectives the store had already complained about me, and if I didn;t leave"I" woudl be arrested for harrassment!

    So that is a long story just to say...aint gonna happen!

    That's ridiculous! You should've been more persistent with the police (asked to speak to someone's superior). But maybe you tried...

    I used to work store security and although most times video can't be shown to the people against whom crimes are committed (stupid state laws), store security can certainly (and is really somewhat obligated to) review the tapes and set them aside for the police, and they have to give the tapes to the cops.

    Regarding all the "broken" cameras - either those people were assholes (and you should've (maybe tried to?) gotten the police involved immediately), or the stores were using dummy cameras. Some stores even have the camera hooked up to a TV so patrons can see what the camera is pointed at, but there's never a tape in there. Some just mount cameras or covers to the wall for looks.
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  5. Thanks for your help everyone! I've decided to buy new. I don't want a netbook simply because I appreciate more keyboard space and a somewhat larger screen.

    I'm considering this and this.
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  6. First: I love your hair. I think it looks great.


    I defy you to find a hairdresser that will cut a woman's hair for £7.20 in London!! Even a man's haircut is more than that.

    It's only happened a couple times, but if I walk into a place and they're charging women more than men, I ask for the men's price and if they won't give it to me I walk out (dry cleaner, too). I know that the argument is that "women's hair takes more effort," but first of all I only ever get between 1 and 3 inches cut straight off the bottom - takes 10 minutes tops. Second, it's just plain sexist. Changing the oil in some cars may be more difficult than others, but Uncle Ed's (local place) charges everyone the same's your job, there'll be variance, get over it.

    You should read
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  7. So, I want to get a laptop. Ideally, I'd get a Mac (that's what my desktop is), but I don't have the money.

    I only want it for Internet browsing (not downloading, gaming, storing pictures or music - that's what the desktop's for) and typing papers. Just so I don't have to be in my computer room, so I can type in the living room and take stuff to class with me.

    I've been looking at inexpensive HPs. Then I found that ebay has a lot of laptops, just what I was looking at or better, that are relatively new and cheaper than getting it from Best Buy or where ever.

    What do you think? Is it safe to buy a used laptop (for my minimal uses)? What are the risks involved?
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  8. Don't worry about how you'll look taking the class (especially if most of the members are that much older than you are), think about how good you'll look after the class.
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  9. Quote


    I was raised to open doors, fetch drinks, give up bus seats, etc.

    But see, so was I. I consider a lot of that to be basic politeness. Then again, if you're only doing those things for women, I guess it's chivalry.

    I'll hold doors for people, ask if anyone needs a drink when I'm going to get one (or at any point if they are a guest in my home). As for giving up bus seats - I'll do it for someone who seems to need the seat more than me - someone who is disabled, or schlepping a kid and/or a lot of stuff around, etc. Gender's not the determining factor there. I'll hold doors for people (I consider letting them close behind me when someone's just behind me to be rude), and if their hands are full, I'll make an effort to get ahead of someone to help them with a door.

    What I want most from men is to be treated like a human being, not an "other." I'd like to be respected for who I am, and allowed to be who I am, not told that I need to conform to some predetermined standard of "what a woman should be." Flip side is that I'll try to respect men for who they are as well. Kinda boring and it probably won't sell any self-help books or magazine articles, but I've found that treating people as individuals, regardless of gender, has worked pretty well for me so far. B|

    Awesome answer. I feel this way also. We can all do anything for ourselves, but it feels good to extend even a small courtesy to another (and to have that courtesy extended to you).
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  10. Quote

    An agnostic doesn't care one way or the other. Believers and Atheists seem to care quite a bit. Both about their own faith, and especially about what others believe on a totally subjective issue.

    Who says agnostics don't care? They can be confused and searching, hoping to prove themselves wrong. Knowing something (that you can't find proof) doesn't necessarily mean you don't hope you're wrong or want to search for proof before declaring it impossible.
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  11. Quote

    Hmm. I have never seen a perfect agnostic yet; they all say it is not known whether there is God, but it doesn't matter. What matters is what they do. If they follow Christian teachings, go to church and so on (very unlikely, but still possible) - even though they do not believe in God - they're in fact Christians. And if the possible existence of deity in the sky does not affect their life at all - they're in fact atheists.

    Why would someone who goes to church and "follow(s) Christian teachings" call himself an agnostic? I can see an agnostic visiting churches, synagogues, mosques, et al. trying to figure it all out. Lots of people live their lives a good people practicing morals many consider "Christian values," but that doesn't mean they're religious.


    even though they do not believe in God - they're in fact Christians.

    Isn't believing in God, even without physical proof, sort of a requirement for the Christian faith (or any other religion regarding its god)?

    Your post doesn't really discuss agnosticism, talking only about Christians and atheists. As you say, agnosticism really just means you're not sure what exactly you believe (or that the human mind can not ever know) regarding the existence of God/gods and the doctrines surrounding religion. That doesn't mean that some don't try to figure it out.

    I think some people term themselves agnostic when they have a pretty good idea about what they believe but there's no term for it (it doesn't quite fit in with any religion or ideology).
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  12. Quote

    The other funny part of all this, is let look at how many billions of dollars we've spent after Nancy & Ronnie started "just say no", did it stop shit from coming in this country? NO! And now we have a much bigger problem to worry about coming across the border then weed, it's called towel heads who want to kill as many of us at they can, and you want me to believe that this cycle of dumping tons of money to fight weed/drugs is working, hell you law enforcement guys have not and can not stop the flow of drugs and people coming across the border and I'm to think the really bad towel head guys are not coming in the same way to blow us up..... Yea right!

    I don't know you and I hope there's some sarcasm I'm missing, but I have to say that I was with you right up until you started sounding like an ignorant jackass who is opposed to the stereotyping of marijuana users as lazy pot heads but seems to be okay with stereotyping an entire region, derogatory slang and all.

    Please correct me and accept my apology if I'm mistaken.
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  13. Quote

    what you think women want
    And don't patronize me with the ever popular and completely horse shit response of "Has to have a seance of humor" line.

    For fun look up my first post on this forum. I'm deep sister....

    1. Maybe you just have a shitty sense of humor and that's why women don't like you. Or maybe you have a great sense of humor but the rest of your qualities are shitty enough to outweigh it.

    2. Searching "Shah269's first post" yielded no results. It was probably whining anyway.
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  14. When I was young, I thought fake trees were a cop out. Now I don't see why you would chop down a whole tree so it can sit in your living room and die.

    I you do decide that a tree will make you feel Christmassy, try one of these. (Or these.) They smell great, don't die (as long as you water them), and don't require you to rearrange your furniture (which makes it easier to say, "Yes!" to having the tree at all). Or try an inexpensive fake one and some pine scented spray.
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  15. Quote

    why buy the cow...

    A: I am not a cow.
    B: I am not for sale.
    C: Why buy the bull when he'll fuck you anyway and you don't have to deal with his inability to vacuum or piss inside the toilet only and not get any down the sides?
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  16. Popsicles.
    Ice cream.
    Pudding (after it's been made and refrigated).
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  17. Quote

    21 and after 2 yrs after I realized that I loved him, we are finally getting married October 3rd... just weeks away.

    Congratulations! :)
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  18. ...falling in love. How old were you?

    I don't mean your first super-huge "I'm 'in love''' crush or the first time you loved someone you were dating. It means something a little different to us all, so use your own definition, but how old were you the first time you were really in love with someone?

    I was 25 and we're still together (just over two years).
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  19. From Wednesday morning:

    Also on MSN

    * 8 work habits you must stop now
    * How to beat the odds & have lasting love
    * Vacation indulgences that are really worth it
    * Why are boomers having more heart attacks?
    * Where to find the best burgers nearby

    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  20. I'm currently making monthly payments with no interest (from when I had insurance that didn't pay for a significant amount of a surgery and separately from when I did not have insurance). I DO NOT get charged any interest or late fees.

    Everything will vary by where you are/who you're working with, but I would only get charged a penalty if I actually paid late.

    I just mean that there is a route for people who can't pay upfront, regardless of whether or not they have insurance.
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  21. Quote

    Your poll is lacking an option.

    "No, and if I fuck myself up skydiving I don't expect anyone to pay for it other than myself"


    There's a specific reason hospitals offer payment plans with low payments and little or no interest - people who can't afford insurance get sick, get in accidents, need to get their kids immunized, etc. Then they need medical help.

    Rig manufacturers don't offer the same payment plans because you don't need the rig and because they'd get taken advantage of.

    Nobody's out there femuring just so they can screw over the hospital.
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  22. Randomly, I saw District 9 last week and Inglourious Basterds last night. quade's definitely right about being able to make the comparison, especially with some shared do good/do bad/redemption themes.

    I had very high expectations for Inglourious Basterds and was absolutely not let down. Mostly, I try to have moderate to low expectations for movies (I end up being pleasantly surprised, not disappointed), but feel totally comfortable expecting stellar direction and script from Tarantino.

    Totally worth seeing even if you're not necessarily a Tarantino fan (but then I think all his movies stand alone).
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  23. Quote

    > Two of O's Teleprompters after embarrassing the Presz when divering speaches written by his puppet master did the honorable thing by committing suicide.

    Is this what you meant:

    "Two of O's Teleprompters, after embarrassing the Presz (ident) when delivering speaches written by his puppet master (speech writer?), did the honorable thing by committing suicide"?

    I'm not trying to be a smart ass. The complete lack of punctuation made it very confusing for me. If that's what you meant, in what way did the teleprompters embarrass Obama? Did they go out or get glitchy during the speech? And how did they deliver the speech?
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird

  24. Quote


    >How can anyone that says something so stupid hold such an important job?

    It's the american way. Look at who we had have as a president...... Guy couldn't construct a full sentence on his own without a teleprompter, and he had millions of adoring followers who hung on his every word.

    What the hell is the big deal about the teleprompter? So he uses a teleprompter. Everyone else reads their speech from something else. And they all have speech writers. I'm not taking political sides, I'm just saying you probably could've made a real point by picking out any number of legitimate flaws. Like how not being able to get out a coherent sentence (not even being able to read the written speech) may lead people to think that you're one of the duller crayons. (O.K., so maybe I am taking sides....)
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird