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Posts posted by mindcool

  1. :S Whoops...
    You're probably right Levin. It was long before it was schedualed...

    before if you had an AD 'A' you were considered a god

    You are right here as well. just dont forget that the Ad licences give us minimum standarts of freeflyers today. you could say that it was one of things that brought up the level of freeflying in the world.
    and i believe that was one of Olav's goals.
    Today, if u'r not in a level that u can stay next to a ball in the air, you're a freefly student/beginner etc...
    and i believe it will go on and the skill level of the avarage freeflyer will be much better in the future


  2. Quote

    Since individual competitions, like the Space Games aren't around anymore

    What makes you say that, Trent?
    Space games 13 will be taking place in Spain, Castillion from the 20th till the 30th of September 2003.
    for more details check:

    I believe that this time there will be an opertunity to a lot more of Europen freeflyers to demonstrate their skills


  3. Does anybody use Aerodyns SuperBandz?
    What's the Difference between that and TubeStose?
    I've heard a lot of people saying that they are affraid of using all those kinds of strong rubber bands coz it can cause a bag lock...
    So what's up with that?

  4. What is gonna happen to the market of Tempo Reserves now? Is PISA closed ? what about costomers service?
    should i get rid of my Tempo?

    and what about wingloading of my Tempo120?
    it says it holds a jumper up to 132lbs.
    my exit weight out the door is 145lbs i believe.
    is that dengerous for me?


  5. Basicly you are all right.
    what is similar the most is the faternity they got. it's like a little family.
    Every roeda they make it's like a circle in the sky.

    they got 2 people that "fight" inside the circile and do some acrobatic stuff.
    they got a lot of hand stand and doing stuff on their heads and this is the connection to freeflying.
    It's all looks cool and they got those cool looking pants that looks a lot like jump pants.
    In short there are a lot of common stuff except we do all the cool stuff with rigs ;)

    Blue Skies







  6. I'm looking for the Space Games soundtrack
    Steve O used some pretty cool trance songs
    1 of them was played in a big concert named "Cream".
    that 1 trance song name is something with the word "Space".
    anybody knows where can i get it ?

    Blue Skies
    Dan Mordechay

  7. I'm looking for the Space Games soundtrack
    Steve O used some pretty cool trance songs
    1 of them was played in a big concert named "Cream".
    that 1 trance song name is something with the word "Space".
    anybody knows where can i get it ?

    Blue Skies
    Dan Mordechay

  8. Hello
    I have right now 80 jumps and i just reached the phase that every skydiver is in......My first rig.
    usually people jump and try all canopies sizes before they decide which one to buy...
    my problem is that i'm a skinny guy that weight only 110 pounds and for a first canopy i wanna choose something that i'll wingload 1:1.
    but i'm still not ready for a hight perforamce canopy...
    so my question is:
    if i'll buy a 120sqf canopy for beginners, do i need special skills to fly that?
    i know that there are charts for every canopy.
    so where can i find if i have enough skills to : Hornet , spectre, sabre/2 , trihatalon, cobalt, etc...
    is it really the small size or only the wingloadding?

  9. Any1 tried the new PDF Atom Legend ? is it really THAT good?
    how does it feels like compering to another Containers?
    containers like Javelin, odyssey, wings and others ?
    does it looks smaller then the other containers at the same size of canopy in it?
    Blue Skies
    Dan Mordechay