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Dropzone Reviews posted by bigern13

  1. In short, I went there as a tandem a couple of times, and once with my A license after I finally got it. It seemed I was treated quite different. Not bad, just much better when I was a tandem. Felt a little unwelcome by a few people. Most people are fine, its just a couple of individuals.

  2. I made my first tandem in 2002. I finally got off my butt this year (2005) and completed AFF. Now I am at my home away from home EVERY weekend. SKYDIVE PALATKA.
    Everyone is super friendly, and safety is always priority number one. Well, right along with HAVING FUN. Wanna jump, come on down.
    Thanks ART, Jeff, Jessica, Miss Winnie, Stacey, Tammie and the rest of the Skydive Palatka family for all your help and making me feel welcome.