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Posts posted by j0nes

  1. Quote

    Sorry if this is a stupid post, but I don't know what to do :(

    You've already accomplished a lot in the eyes of most non-jumpers. You should be proud of your accomplishments and there is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling a little (or lot) of anxiety about jumping after a long lay-off.

    If you decide to jump again, rest assured you will not be thrown out of the aircraft and expected to perform at your previous level of expertise. At a minimum you'll have to jump with an instructor (or two) to ensure you haven't lost your skills.

    Ultimately, the choice is yours and I wish you luck.

  2. Quote

    Billvon could out-argue God. Don't even bother coming at him like that.

    Walt, i'm sure billvon can stroke his own cock, no need for you to do it for him.

    As for Condi running for Pres.... I think it's a great idea. She has the formal education and foreign policy experience needed.

  3. Quote

    China?, What the fuck do they have to do with this?

    This is the only point of your post with which I will agree. I don't know where the China accusation came from, but I've not read anythign about their involvement in supporting Islamic Terrorism.


    Dude, Terrorism is not funded by any of those government.

    Iran, Iraq, Syria and Libya have supported terrorists in the past. Iran and Iraq have paid suicide bombers in the past. Libya funded terrorism in the past and claims to have halted this practice. (see this nifty CIA link http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ly.html)


    In first place they don´t need that much money to do a terrorist action, and secondly, no government will ever want nowadays to be compromised by being caught supporting terrorist actions. The only possible exception is the U.S.A with the Contra and the IRA.

    holy 1985 batman. Just curious... when did the U.S. gov't support the IRA. Don't you think that would have strained UK-US relations a tad?


    I know there is a big distrust from the U.S towards China due to economical reasons, but i think that If Iran could give a severe beating to the U.S troops, with China you would get MAD. But somehow i think you guys have more to loose.

    I think there is a coherent thought lurking in that chunk of text, but it is so disjointed I have to wonder if English is your primary language?

  4. Quote

    b. it's a friggin' TV show. They also have TV shows about aliens, people living on desert island playing Machiavellian games, and talking horses :S

    Correct and each of those had some liberal agenda tied to each of them.

    Mr. Ed was nothing more than a poke at Communism.

  5. I recently saw a tv ad for a new tv show (CBS?) called Commander in Chief where Geena Davis is the Vice President and somehow will assume the Presidency.

    Has anyone else seen this ad and thinks it's a thinly veiled attempt to get the U.S. tv-loving population to accept a female President?

    How about the name... Commander in Chief? Anyone else find it ironic they chose a military-esque name for the show?

  6. Unfortunately I never got to shoot a browning .50 cal machine gun. I did shoot a Desert Eagle .50 cal handgun once.

    Very accurate, but a bit of a wrist breaker. Plus, the ammo is REALLY expensive. I can only imagine what the kick is like on that 20mm BFG.......

  7. Quote

    Is her campaign going to accomplish anything even close to her goals? Probably not. She won't get closure, she won't get satisfaction, and the hurt will never abate.

    Absolutely correct. It seems we both agree that she is completely wasting her time standing in the Texas sun.

    Her time to protest should have been either:
    (1) at the time of her son's enlistment
    (2) at a personal meeting with Bush (which she apparently declined)


    I have a lot of sympathy for her.

    I'm sure you're a very nice person.

  8. Quote

    Do you have a mom?

    That's just a shitty thing to say, regardless of political opinion. >:(

    Of course I have a mother but she is smart enough to realize that if I decided to re-enlist (that's right... enlist once again) that it would be MY choice and that the consequences of that decision rest on MY shoulders.


    That's just a shitty thing to say, regardless of political opinion. >:(

    it sucks her kid died doing his job. let's face it... the kid wasn't drafted. he had choices.

  • Quote

    And lastly thanks to td for making me quit my old job and have all these great possibilities. Without knowing you helped me a ton.
    The yo is moving on and glad of it yooooooooo's...

    please share some details of how you were made to quit.